ain't no rest for the wicked {chuck - casey/sarah}

Aug 04, 2010 17:52

Title: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Fandom: Chuck
Characters/Pairings: Casey/Sarah.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,651
Author's Note: For gigglemonster. AU. I really don't know what this is. I just hope it's enjoyable.
Summary: The numbers flip and change. Maybe they belong behind the counter of a convenience store, your total ma'am, now hand over the cash. Maybe ( Read more... )

character: chuck: casey, character: chuck: sarah, fandom: chuck, !fic, ship: chuck: casey/sarah

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Comments 14

lexiesloan August 4 2010, 22:55:48 UTC
*THUD* ... and dead.

I have to go back and read this again because right now, my brain is just hazy after reading this the first time. You write these two so perfectly, I'm beginning to think that maybe you're a secret writer for the show. It's okay if you are. You can tell me ;) Also, if you know how you got to be so fucking awesome in writing this couple - and any couple for that matter - will you please let me know? You are my hero.


slybrunette August 5 2010, 01:23:55 UTC
You can tell me ;)

Well, as long as it can be our little secret, I guess there's no harm in admitting to it. lol.

Seriously though, thanks so much hun! I'm just playing it by ear (literally, by YT clips and going 'does this sound right') and it means a lot to me that you enjoyed it!


myr_soleil August 4 2010, 23:49:26 UTC
Perfect perfect perfect. I love so much how you write them working together so well, and the glimpses of their private lives are great. It all seems very dark, exactly like I think they'd be if they ever hooked up. Great fic. I wish you'd write ten thousand more.


slybrunette August 5 2010, 01:25:37 UTC
I think I wanted this to start off kind of...darkly humorous and it just decided to go with the first part. It rapidly went down the path of angst and, hey, who am I to stop it? lol

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing! (And, knowing me, there will probably be ten thousand more. Or a thousand. A hundred? Idek anymore.)


gigglemonster August 6 2010, 06:26:58 UTC
Sorry it took so long for me to get around to reading this! Especially since it is so fantastically amazing and wonderful!
This scenario right here is like one of my all time favorites for them. On a mission, sort of undercover, doing their thing like the mother fucking pros they are. One of the things I love most about these two is how in sync they are and you captured that perfectly. It comes off so seamless.
I think my favorite detail about this (besides the kiss. which was perfect.) was Casey's distaste at the trucker checking Sarah out. So small, but I just love that.
You are too good to me. Seriously TOO TOO GOOD TO ME!
♥ x1 BILLION!! ;)


slybrunette August 9 2010, 03:00:00 UTC
Wow, I totally thought I responded to this earlier.

THANK YOU *bows*

You are totally what keeps me going with these two, seriously. The art and the enthusiasm and...everything. Plus, this totally sparked an idea that pertains to the same one you had going with that wallpaper my icon's from. I swear, if all I did was write these two I would be happy.

I'm so glad you liked this hun! Thanks so much!


dulcedeusex August 19 2010, 13:42:29 UTC
How this new instalment escaped me, I'll never know. Just when I stop checking your LJ you add something new!

I could have just DIED reading this. You blend dark with pragmatic with CIA spy efficiency so well when you write this pairing it kills me everytime. Literally!

For an instant, she thinks it’s fallen on deaf ears.

It ventures too close to the emotional for them anyways.

Then she hears him rinse and spit, the water turn off, and then his voice, strong and more startling than she’d admit. “Never thought I’d agree with you, Walker.”

-- This is why nobody can write this pairing for me like you can.

KUDOS. xx Dulce

P.S. I can't wait till you write an epic sized one... no pressure! ; )


slybrunette August 20 2010, 02:36:46 UTC
My posting is sadly anything but predictable, haha, although it probably would help if I added you back so you could see my friends-locked shit -- I tend to give a better idea of when things are getting posted in my personal entries. Also, apparently we have BSG in common too, judging by that icon, so you're automatically even more awesome.

Um. So. Fun fact: an epic sized one is totally in the works. This is going to work as a prequel probably. Or not; I haven't made up my mind yet. It's the same basic idea though -- Sarah and Casey as badass spies, but rogue, and inspired by something the poster above you, gigglemonster came up with. So the wait hopefully won't be that long ;)

I cannot thank you enough for all the kind words; these comments always make my day. I'm glad you enjoyed this!


dulcedeusex August 23 2010, 13:10:34 UTC
Hooray for gigglemonster! And hell to the yeah for BSG maybe someday I will have the balls to attempt a Kara Thrace drabble... or a Bill Adama drabble.

You and I seem to have unlikely pairings in common... you wouldn't happen to think Kara/Helo would make a great couple would you? Cause come on... Season 1? The scene where they weight train? Launched a thousand plot bunnies for me. *g*

The icon was done by an online and real friend of mine, blue_orchidea, many, many, years ago... well in 2007... which feels like forever ago.

I personally cannot wait for your EPIC! If you need a beta or a cheerleader, I'm your girl! ; )

ITA about Alex being a character to pair with... well everyone. Same goes for Addison for me (when it comes to Grey's Anatomy, I do not watch Private Practice).


slybrunette August 23 2010, 19:23:48 UTC
I've done BSG a few times -- though I've got some really, really strange taste lol. It's unnerving, for me, and I never feel like I get it, but the only way to improve is to try. You really should, btw, I'd be interested to see what you come up with.

I ship Helo/Kara like nobody's business. But, then, I ship Kara with a whole lot of people.

Thank you for the beta/cheerleader offer -- I may have to take you up on that for sure :)


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