i haven't done this in a while

Jul 27, 2010 19:30


Fandoms: Grey's Anatomy, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory, BSG, Dead Like Me, NCIS, The Pacific. Have another fandom you're curious if I'll try? Go for it. A crossover? Shoot.

ETA: flist only for prompts.

ETA 2: Not taking any more prompts, peeps. Thanks for the help! Stories should start becoming available within the next few hours.

1) Chuck, Bryce/Ellie, august, Hartford, elbow for gigglemonster
2) Chuck, Casey/Sarah, diner, Memphis, hips for gigglemonster
3) Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Laura, ticker-tape, NYC, ankle for meryl_edan
4) The Pacific, Chuckler/Leckie, New York, shoulders for crickets
5) Grey's Anatomy, Alex/Lexie, car, NYC, hair for rorylie
6) Grey's Anatomy, Lexie/Meredith, time, Olympia, thighs for foibles_fables
7) Battlestar Galactica, Adama/Roslin, trashcan, New Caprica, nose for openended
8) Grey's Anatomy, Mark/Cristina, whiteboard, Omaha, kneecap for openended
9) Chuck, Chuck & Bryce, Klingon, London, legs for rinslet
10) The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon/Penny, fist, Tokyo, hands for rinslet
11) Grey's Anatomy, Mark/Lexie, before, Boston, fingers for archibalds
12) Grey's Anatomy, Burke/Cristina, dead, Cleveland, heart for nursebadass
13) NCIS, Tony/Abby, buried, Chicago, ankle for angeldylan628
14) Grey's Anatomy, Alex/Meredith, solace, Seattle, fingernails for waltzmatildah

fannish: come fix me

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