Title: Five
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex/Cristina/Meredith
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 300
Prompt: #19 - Dedication for
drabble123Author's Note: So not what I'm supposed to be writing, but I had to finish something or I was going to go crazy. So. Here.
Summary: It starts because Meredith brings out five glasses and Alex only fills three
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I'm slightly amused that you got linked from that NCIS fic -- oh, if I only I could write in that fandom more often. I do write a ton of Grey's (and a bunch of other shows) though, so I hope you find stuff you like. My masterlist is in my UI, and everything's tagged here.
Also, I highly recommend the first few seasons of Grey's Anatomy. Season Two is pretty much the best out of the entire show, IMO.
Thank you so much for your kind words with regards to my writing. I really appreciate it :)
Apparently my sister has the 2nd and 3rd season on DVD so I'm currently on episode 7 of season 2. =)
2x07 has one of my favorite scenes in it, actually.
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