monogamy and the common surgeon {ga - burke/cristina}

Apr 06, 2010 16:56

Title: Monogamy And The Common Surgeon
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Cristina. Burke/Cristina; implied Owen/Cristina.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,312
Author's Note: nursebadass wanted smut, specifically Burke/Cristina, and so I tried for that. Also, this isn't really a 'let's trash 'insert name here' fic either. Promise. Even with the cheating ( Read more... )

character: ga: cristina, ship: ga: burke/cristina, character: ga: burke, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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foibles_fables April 7 2010, 00:26:30 UTC
Dude, if I was one for hero worship, I'd be down on my hands and knees right now.

...wait, I totally am one for hero worship. So, *hands and knees*

Seriously, that's all I can even say. Just...holy fuck, Shonda, read this and make it happen verbatim.


slybrunette April 7 2010, 01:06:17 UTC
You're such a naughty girl ;)

In all seriousness, thank you so much hun! Your feedback always means so much to me. I'm glad you enjoyed this!


foibles_fables April 7 2010, 01:08:45 UTC
LMAO, oh, I didn't mean it THAT way! (unless, well, you meant it that way...)

*ahem* but yeah fic's great.


slybrunette April 7 2010, 01:15:15 UTC
LOL. I was mostly joking. Specifically in reference to the twitter convo the day before Easter and that bruise on your knee ;) But, hey, whatever floats your boat.

*dies laughing*


nursebadass April 7 2010, 04:15:20 UTC
This bitch just can't stay off her knees can she?


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