prompts to help me avoid killing someone

Feb 23, 2010 10:41

I'm posting fic later today and I'm so pissed with the bathroom remodeler (who really isn't doing his job, just talking on his phone, as it turns out) I can't see straight BUT

I'm taking prompts. Standard format: fandom, pairing, word/song lyric/situationFandoms: Grey's, TBBT, some Lost (keeping in my mind that I haven't seen seen S6), umm... ( Read more... )

character: ga: cristina, character: chuck: casey, character: ga: owen, ship: ga: owen/lexie, ship: ga: lexie/sloan, character: ga: izzie, character: ga: sloan, character: ga: alex, fandom: lost, fandom: chuck, fandom: grey's anatomy, character: ga: lexie, ship: lost: claire/shannon, ship: ga: alex/cristina, character: lost: shannon, prompt me, ship: chuck: casey/sarah, character: chuck: sarah, character: lost: claire, ship: ga: alex/izzie, !fic

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stuck in second place, alex/cristina, r slybrunette February 26 2010, 05:58:48 UTC
i really hope this is okay -- my writing has been very weird lately



The statement that comes before doesn’t matter as much as the contradiction.

“Your definition of moving forward sure as hell looks a lot like standing still.”

“Deep, Yang,” he remarks, punctuates with the slam of his locker. “Real fucking deep.”

His feet move forward. So, there’s that.

At least there’s that.


Keep in mind that this is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Her and Owen have been over since April.

It was her who did it, it was her said ‘no more’ and shut the book on them.

It was her who called it quits, and it was Alex who called it quits, and it makes them similar in a terribly unfortunate way.


“Don’t you have anything better to look at? Like, I don’t know, surgery for dummies.”

This is the locker room, again, still, years ago. Bra and scrub bottoms and nothing else and he leers. A week and a half ago, he plastered this same room with pictures, Bethany Whisper, and there was a rumor (incorrect) that he’d learned his lesson thanks to a very pissed off blonde.

His eyes shift - at least they move on.

This closes that book on them, on that aspect of their relationship, for years to come.


That’s a lie.


(“You want to get a drink?”

She’d been back from the honeymoon that wasn’t for a day and a half. He’d lost his Jane Doe to a husband and a child and miles of separation.

“Yeah, sure, whatever.”

That one time, his hands had dug into the backs of her thighs too hard and their mouths didn’t fit against each other just right, much less their bodies.

It was the first time since high school that she’d stopped at second base).


There is a case (there is always, always, a case) and he’s too harsh in his words to both the family and the patient.

You know it’s bad, she thinks, you know you’ve hit rock bottom, when even she picks up on the fact that this is the wrong way to go about things.

“And after that, I think I understand why she left you in the first place.”

She expects a retort, something sarcastic, trying to one-up her. She doesn’t expect the sound it makes when her back hits the wall.

She does not expect their mouths to fit together any better than last time.

But they do.


“Like you’re the poster child for healthy relationships. You were fucking an attending.”

So was Meredith. So was Meredith, but neither of them can bother to point that out. Neither of them can be bothered to tarnish that hope that she represents (did, does, will - this, like the locker room, is a constant; unlike the locker room, it’s a constant for the broken, the messed-up, and there are so few these days).


Her hips rock and his thumb brushes her clit.

Owen looks at her funny in the hallways.

“My apartment.”

What she means is: ‘we need to get out of the on-call room’.

This is part of the larger problem.


She doesn’t want to scream it off the rooftops. She doesn’t want to shove it Owen’s face.

She wants to avoid it entirely.

‘Cause that’s what they’re doing right? Avoiding it entirely. Standing still under the guise of moving forward.

(This should be a sign - dead end, no right turn on red, bumpy road ahead.

Her vision keeps failing, lately).


They are so far from the people they were when they first started out here.

They are so far from the people they recognized in the mirror.



Re: stuck in second place, alex/cristina, r clockwork_jo February 26 2010, 23:18:23 UTC
UGH. UGH. UGH. If this is your writing weird, keep it that way. haha. Because it's stunning.
I love you for this.
This is amazing. I love how you combine smut and angst, like perfectly. I love you for making my ultimate crack!pairing work so well. So realistic. I love the idea of them not fitting the first time. Because some people make them perfect right off the bat (or change them to make them perfect, EUGH. Do not get me started.) and I don't think they would be.
You know this means I'm going to request them every time you ask for prompts. lmao. =P


Re: stuck in second place, alex/cristina, r slybrunette February 26 2010, 23:34:13 UTC
To be honest, I wrote this in fifteen minutes around 1am this morning. I don't even know where any of it came from.

I think that there are points over the course of this series where they would work. They aren't people who would change for the other -- or really for anyone -- and I hate people who try to alter them. This sort of

And hey, request them all you want. This was easy for me and I think if I had a gameplan I could've made it even better so, next time m'dear, next time.

I'm glad you liked it hun! Thanks!


Re: stuck in second place, alex/cristina, r raachel2008 March 1 2010, 01:40:23 UTC
"She wants to avoid it entirely." - This is so Cristina, it nails down a huge part of who she is, IMO.

Good work and the part about Meredith and Derek - and the subconcious hope that they will hit the jackpot one day - is perfect.


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