2009: Fic Masterlist

Jan 01, 2009 00:00

Battlestar Galactica
001. painting a dotted line
there was always something that drew him to her. (sam/ellen. spoilers for season 4.5, au.)

002. maybe there's a light that's always on
tt starts as a waking dream, the kind that leaves you gasping for air and grasping for sheets you don't recognize. (sam/ellen. spoilers for season 4.5, au.)

003. there are roads left in both our shoes
this has a lot to do with control, the thirst for it, the lack of it -- she's always been hungry for it. him, not so much. (sam/ellen. spoilers for 'no exit', pre-series.)

004. given that our blood is just like the atlantic
the seasons have started dictating their actions, and he isn't ever really surprised by that. it's cyclical like that. (sam/ellen. spoilers for season 4.5, pre-series, au.)

005. tit for tat
ellen understands the way laura works, because it's not all that different from herself. they make deals. (ellen/laura. pre-season two finale.)

006. a minute in your shoes (they'll never fit)
"don't judge a book by it's cover," she exhales, never quite realizing how appropriate the old saying is for the both of them. (boomer/cally.)

Big Brother
001. you always fold just before you're found out
they're the popular girls and he's the athlete and it just all makes perfect, poetic sense. (bb11; jeff/jordan/laura. week two.)

002. smile, you're on candid camera
and he thought the paranoia would go away once they were out of the house. no matter -- he's getting used to having all the wrong answers. (bb11; jeff/jordan. jury house.)

003. this is going to cost you
he makes good on his promise. (bb11; jeff/laura. post-show, requires knowledge of week two livefeeds.)

Dead Like Me
001. mirror mirror on the wall
daisy likes mirrors. mostly, she likes any kind of shiny surface that she can get a good look at herself in, so george guesses what she should really be saying is that daisy likes her own reflection. (daisy/george.)

002. you spin me right round
he wants to have sex in a swivel chair; it's important that we all set goals you know. (mason/george.)

Grey's Anatomy
001. you're bad news (i don't care i like you)
this is a game of strategy (don't let them find out), of procrastination (neither of them really knows what they're doing), of learning (the teacher to the student, in so many ways). (mark/lexie. post 'all by myself', au.)

002. swing, swing (cause baby, living on the edge is the only way to really live)
sadie's got this way about her, this 'follow me and i'll show you the world' kind of vibe that lexie thinks maybe she needs at this point in her life. (lexie, lexie/sadie. post 'all by myself', au.)

003. my love for you is blind
just because this is what they choose to see doesn't mean it's really all that's there: a story in three parts. (alex, izzie, denny; alex/izzie, denny/izzie. season five.)

004. cause i don't know how long i can hold my heart in two
one eighteen hour shift, one interesting case of the flu, and one woman who he's just not getting any closer to understanding. (owen/cristina. mid season five.)

005. the road is calling
this is a story about losing something you never meant to have in the first place, and then realizing that you needed it more than you knew. (mark/owen. post 'wish you were here', au.)

006. only half of the time do you tell me just what you want
this is one of those things that's just going to stay with him for a good long time. (mark/lexie. post 'stairway to heaven'.)

007. i know all the words to this song i just can't find the tune
she's getting a bit tired of people having breakdowns in her bathroom. (cristina, meredith. post 'stairway to heaven'.)

008. breaking the habit
she's just freaked out enough that she's basically sworn off sex. (lexie/sadie. post 'stairway to heaven'.)

009. there's a lack of color here
she remembers the same date last year, distantly. (izzie; alex/izzie. post 'stairway to heaven', au.)

010. i've got your wedding bells in my ear
these are the parts they always speak of about weddings: joy, love, happily ever after and clinking glasses. these are they parts they try to forget: desperation, envy, disappointment and misery. (ensemble. au.)

011. whatever happened to miss independent
she's having one of those nights where everything's turned upside down. (callie, lexie; arizona/callie, mark/lexie. post 'beat your heart out'.)

012. the tortorous analytical thoughts that make me go insane
“you know for a so-called former juvenile delinquent,” she starts, throwing her stuff, and herself down, her bag falling to the ground while she settles into the swing on her front porch, “you kind of suck at the whole breaking and entering aspect of it.” (meredith, alex. season five.)

013. why can't we just look the other way.
“she’s toasted,” cristina announces. george eyes cristina, and the bottle in her own hand, and fights the urge to tell her about pots and kettles. (george, cristina, meredith. mid 'shake your groove thing'.)

014. drift on
it's the shock to her system, rejection and plans falling apart, that she needs to let her know that she doesn't belong here. (sadie, alex. post 'before and after'.)

015. this is not goodbye, just time for me to rest my head
sometimes he thinks, really, this should be something he just laughs off by now. first his mother, then rebecca, now her; it has to be him. (alex, alex/izzie. post 'before and after', au.)

016. these are just ghosts that broke my heart before i met you
it’s those damn steps that got her in so much trouble in the first place - go figure that it’s where she chooses to sit, wait; something wicked comes this way. (cristina, owen/cristina. post 'before and after'.)

017. love's an excuse to get hurt
they move in circles like this one: i want you, i have you, i want him now. rinse. repeat. (alex/meredith. season five.)

018. keep me hanging on so contagiously
she drives him home, and he looks at her like she's never been in a car before, much less driven one. (mark/lexie. post 'an honest mistake'.)

019. transference
it takes time for people to leave them in the same room, much less alone in the same room, again. (mark, derek. post 'an honest mistake'.)

020. we forgot to fall apart
there are the reasons why he's there, and then there are the reasons he will actually give for why he's there. (alex/addison. post 'an honest mistake', au.)

021. nature's cruel, she laughs at me
he remembers that he was thirty-nine at the time, the way the girl smiled something familiar, and the brief flash of her driver's license. these are things that will stick out for him, later. (alex. season five, future-fic, au.)

022. parallel lines
she understands the hierarchy, understands how this hospital works, that if the attendings and the residents aren't torturing you they're probably trying to sleep with you, or already are. it puts ideas in her head. post nature's cruel, she laughs at me. (hannah, alex. future-fic, au.)

023. we dreamed a life but then just like that it's done
seven years doesn't mean as much as it should, and derek's starting to figure things like that out a little too late. (derek/meredith, alex/meredith. season five, future fic, au.)

024. five people meredith never rebounded with
she's punching the self-destruct button, and who knows who she'll take down with her. (meredith; alex/meredith, lexie/meredith, mark/meredith, owen/meredith, sadie/meredith. post 'i will follow you into the dark', au.)

025. maybe you're the only one that never changes
six people became two, and now it's just their cars in the driveway, just their footsteps on the stairs, and she isn't sure how she feels about that. (meredith, alex. post 'stand by me'.)

026. day two-thousand, one-hundred and ninety
six years later. six unhappy anniversaries later. you thought it would get easier. (ensemble. season five, future-fic, au.)

027. just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
her hands are cold. (alex/izzie. post 'elevator love letter', future-fic, au.)

028. speeding cars
this is what nine hours in a car will do to you, when you’ve spent the past few months speaking in quiet tones, always this side of goodbye, always waiting for something to go wrong. (alex/izzie. season five, au.)

029. the stuffed bunny conundrum
this is a story about stuffed bunnies, easter egg dye, passover seders, new apartments, phone calls that go unanswered and those that don't, and, most importantly, family. (ensemble. season five.)

030. she smiles at herself in mirrors
while the girlfriend is away the boys will play, or at least so goes the saying. let's see how accurate it is. (mark, derek, sadie. season five.)

031. give me a break with this heartache
this is the dance they do, before every major surgery, before every procedure, dancing around the elephant in the room and the words they'd rather not say; they never can quite get it right. (alex/izzie. post 'elevator love letter')

032. almost crimes
now that they don't have to hide and she doesn't have to be nervous all the time, she's got this feeling like they got off too easily. (mark/lexie. post 'sweet surrender'.)

033. so maybe i'm crazy (what are you then?)
there's this stupid skip in your step. (lexie; mark/lexie. post 'sweet surrender'.)

034. grabbing at the fray for something that won't drown
just because she's acting like everything's fine, just because they had a nice dinner, does not mean that it all still doesn't sting a little. (lexie; mark/lexie. post 'no good at saying sorry'.)

035. just to stay like this in the dim half-light dawn
it's just another morning in a long series of them -- if you forget all about things like calendars and plans that they were never very good at sticking to. (derek/meredith. season five.)

036. something to believe in
they never were people who followed the rules -- why start now. (meredith, alex. mid 'what a difference a day makes'.)

037. the sex tape incident
she finds the video camera and the only thing she can think is 'youtube' in big, glaring letters. (mark/lexie.)

038. technicalities
they never had a first date, they never had that landmark; they always were a little backwards. (mark/lexie. post 'no good at saying sorry'.)

039. mistakes we knew we were making
he tells her she has crappy taste in men, with his lips on her neck, and maybe he's just that honest. (alex/lexie. early season five.)

040. just look at the state of you
there's something fitting to the idea that they end up in the shower, of all places, once more. (owen/cristina. post season five finale.)

041. underground nightlife (or five bars that aren't joe's)
it's not like joe's is the only bar in seattle, it's just that there's a reason they go there instead. here's what happens when they don't. (ensemble. season five.)

042. you look different in the l.a. sun
she'd ask the other woman what the hell she’s doing, jumping into bed with her friend’s very recent ex-girlfriend, except she suspects that addison's moral compass is often interrupted by impulse and need. (addison/erica. season five.)

043. the freckles in our eyes are mirror images
they broke the mold when they made her. except they couldn't. he's made from the same fabric after all. (alex/meredith. season five.)

044. not drunk enough to drive you home
lexie's a mess by the time she finally leaves the hospital. (alex, lexie. post season five.)

045. you lost me in the rearview mirror
it's not that she's losing track of who she is; it's just that, for a moment there, she forgot when she is. (burke/cristina. future fic.)

046. what i'm trying to say
it started as one big joke. some village in Costa Rica that needed doctors, and the words ‘rainforest’, ‘conservationist’ and ‘tree house’ were enough to let mark know that this was an opportunity he would be passing on. (mark/owen. post season five, au.)

047. where you go when the lights are turned down low
alex has never been down here before; he supposes it was sort of inevitable. (alex, cristina. post season five.)

048. stunted
sometimes, she's convinced he'll never truly grow up; there's too much back and forth. (alex/addison. season three/four, spoilers for season five.)

049. send your lifeboats out for me
alex has gotten to the point where he no longer pauses to think, to come up with his smart-ass comments or his make sure his game face is in place, he just moves on autopilot. (alex, alex/izzie. post season five.)

050. and back to you
all eyes are on seattle grace like never before. all eyes are on derek shepherd like never before. (mark, derek/mark. spoilers through season five, au-ish.)

051. white noise
three hours ago, there had been a tornado watch and she'd used that as an excuse. (meredith, alex. early season six.)

052. lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!
they have to move. and learn to co-habit again. and avoid entering without knocking first. (izzie, meredith, derek, alex; gen. post 'tainted obligation'.)

053. where everyone knows your name
she's learning things about how to survive here. she's learning things about how to fit in. (reed, alex. post 'give peace a chance'.)

054. the prom queen track record
apparently mark can sleep with half the hospital's nursing staff, but lexie's high school ex-boyfriend as a patient...well that's just terrible. big deals are made over nothing. (mark/lexie.)

055. either they're getting younger or...
she'd prefer if meredith didn't talk. (addison/meredith.)

056. nuclear family
"it must be weird for you," sloan says, and lexie appreciates the dramatic understatement of that sentence. (lexie/sloan, mark/lexie. post 'holidaze'.)

057. the 's' word
the repetition of the word “seriously” at various pitches and volumes is what gets her attention. (cristina/lexie/meredith. post 'holidaze'.)

Gossip Girl
001. waiting for the black to replace my blue
somehow, the fact that his dad died and therefore he’s no longer technically her stepbrother makes this less hard to swallow. (chuck/serena. mid-season two.)

How I Met Your Mother
001. go ho or go home
lily's lesbian experience -- part two. (lily/robin. post 'best prom ever'.)

001. until one of us makes the other one come true
they’d met at an airport. juliet was on her way back to miami, to her sister; the woman had been two seats down from her, on her way back to her husband in Los Angeles and looking for a reason not to be. they’d ended up in a hotel - it had been exactly that easy. (juliet/sarah. au.)

002. of tresspassing and lacy underthings
raiding through women's underwear has never been so fun. (boone/charlie. season one.)

003. the something that burns inside of you
she burns with a fever that won't break. they’ve always seen her as their virgin mother, their symbol of hope, so the accusations run high and fast. (claire/juliet. au.)

004. make it official
they are very people she trusts aaron with; he's one of them. (kate, hurley. gen.)

005. magic word
sweetheart rolls right off his tongue, that southern drawl, and it makes her shiver a little; she loves the way it sounds. (sawyer/claire. au.)

006. this mess we're in
lies my parents told me is a damn tired game; they play it anyways. (aaron/clementine. future-fic.)

007. nicotine and coffee are my friends in this fight
it was about safety and the foreign idea that maybe her secrets could in fact be kept. (sawyer/alex. au.)

008. clothing not optional
they had a lot of fun in limos. (boone/shannon. pre-series.)

009. so what if your kiss might kill me
that was the thing with the island; you could run to the opposite end of the earth, you could think you got away, but you never stopped running into people, and if you did you could still see them behind closed eyelids. (jack/sawyer/claire. au.)

010. it's not goodbye so much as see you later
marc made him feel a lot of things that he’d really rather not have felt. (jack/marc. pre-series.)

011. eyes wide shut
usually the ghosts he’s around aren’t so much into the touchy-feely stuff. they just talk, rarely venturing into the realm of the tactile. ghost. it takes him a moment to connect that thought to dead. It’s something he’s unsure of. (miles, claire. au.)

012. in the after
of all the welcomes sawyer thought he’d get when he died, heaven or hell or whatever was in between, this was the farthest from his mind. (sawyer, christian.)

013. it's nothing but time and a face that you lose
there are rules to this, and Daniel's about to break them. (daniel, charlotte. spoilers for season five, au.)

014. if i could fill your words with meaning
he can't be wrong again. (jack/claire. season five, au.)

015. all the stars can disappear without a trace
at the time it seemed like the thing to do -- go back, leave again, this time together. no man left behind, and what could be wrong with that. turns out everything. (jack, jack/sun. season five, au.)

016. and these nights never really got us anywhere
he's got reasons to be here. the island's a mess, and people keep showing up and then disappearing, and he doesn't have any clue why or how; he's looking for someone who does. and then he gets cut off on the highway and a glance in the rearview mirror ends with him looking for her instead. (richard/alex. spoilers for season five, au.)

017. today you were far away
jack mops floors, and sawyer watches through the window of an old school, comforted as much as he can be by the knowledge that jack’s still good at cleaning up other people’s messes. (jack/sawyer. spoilers for 'some like it hoth', au.)

018. it's in our family tree
daddy was always full of secrets; you think he'd teach his son to lie better; he never taught his daughter a damn thing -- one day she'll be thankful for that. (jack, claire; jack/claire. season five, au.)

019. in our bodies there are cells shaped like stars
there is something about her, this girl that he's never seen before in his life, something that fools him into thinking he knows her. (jack, jack/claire. post season five.)

020. pause button
the first time the rain lasts for longer than an hour people start getting antsy. another two hours and they start counting. (jack, sawyer. season one.)

021. the city sun sets over me
new york city. in another life, one of boy meets girl, this would be a classic. instead it's just confusion and words that don't add up. (sun, michael/sun. spoilers for season five, au.)

022. simple math
as of this late october day, they are the last two left. (jack, sun. au.)

001. sugar rush
she is allowing herself to be distracted by a candy cane. or at least the woman eating the candy cane. (abby/ziva.)

001. too unschooled to the rules
so she’s here. alone. and so is kate, recently divorced kate, who was a little lonely when they first met a few short hours earlier, and now is just a little forward and a lot drunk. (kate walsh/katee sackhoff)

The Big Bang Theory
001. small talk really is all about the weather
three months later, when she hears the first signs of life in the apartment, she actually finds herself feeling something close to excitement that they're actually home. (sheldon/penny. post season two finale.)

002. chemistry of a car crash
there are three factors that led to this moment in time, this very surprising, mildly terrifying moment in time, one which she will never, ever, mention to anyone. (sheldon/penny.)

003. rockabye (everything's going to be alright)
penny knows that being involved in one of sheldon's habits, one of his routines, no matter what it is, can never end well. and yet she kind of walks right into one anyway. (sheldon/penny. season two, au.)

004. it always comes back around
sheldon comes down with the flu as soon as they get back, and wouldn't you know it all three of his so-called friends find places to be and things they have to do. which means he tracks her down as soon as humanely possible. when leonard finally takes him off of her hands, it's really too late for her. (sheldon, penny. gen.)

005. the girlfriend conundrum
she goes home with him; that’s one of those statements that requires a little more backstory. or maybe a lot more. (sheldon/penny.)

006. send the autos swerving
it’s five minutes to midnight, the door’s locked, and he can’t find his keys no matter which pocket he digs through. and then, from the other side of the door, he hears it. (leonard, sheldon/penny. season two, au.)

007. the post script plurality
there's a note on the bed. three months of coffee deprivation, missing socks, and broken laptops pass, and she waits. (penny, sheldon/penny. post season two.)

008. the lonestar excursion
her priorities are skewed, and not in the way she expected just days ago. (penny, sheldon/penny. au version of 'the electric can opener fluctation'.)

009. the broken bed redux
sheldon always assumed that when penny and leonard broke up, it would lead to her spending a lot less time in their apartment. however, it appeared that penny had so altered her routine that she still found herself in their apartment with a similar frequency to before they broke up, only now she was in his space even more. (sheldon/penny. post 'the gothowitz deviation', future-ish au.)

010. the flight response miscalculation
penny saw a ghost. or maybe that's just the alcohol talking. (penny, sheldon; gen.)

011. the post tryptophan consumpution polygon
thanksgiving dinner goes horribly awry. (sheldon, penny, leonard; sheldon/penny. post 'the adhesive duck deficiency'.)

Tables Completed:
5drunkfics - Grey's Anatomy - General Series - Table

(2011) (2010) (2009)

!fic masterlist: 2009

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