fic request meme

Nov 06, 2009 22:58

Stealing this from falseeeyelashes who has the best writing memes ever.

And yes I know I failed at fulfilling the prompts from the last go around -- I will not this time. Just watch me.

Request and I will give you at least a 100 words of fic.

FANDOM | PAIRING | AN AIRPORT | NAME OF A TELEVISION EPISODE (ANY SHOW)(Fandoms: Lost, Grey's Anatomy, The Big Bang ( Read more... )

character: ga: cristina, character: ga: burke, ship: tbbt: sheldon/penny, ship: ga: alex/meredith, ship: ga: alex/lexie, prompt me, character: ga: callie, character: tbbt: penny, ship: ga: burke/cristina, character: ga: alex, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, character: ga: lexie, character: tbbt: sheldon, character: ga: meredith

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slybrunette November 7 2009, 06:06:59 UTC
i hope this is alright


“She knew.”

Alex rolls his eyes at the same time as his head falls back. From experience, Meredith takes that to mean he thinks she’s either paranoid or certifiable and he’s just too tired to bother vocalizing it.

And so comes the restatement. “She knew.”

LAX bustles, full of the carefree and the tanned, headed to some island to escape what Californians must refer to as early winter - to them it’s spring, possibly even June - and it all contrasts ridiculously with their serious faces, hers from lack of sleep, his from frustration.

“Are you going to say something?”

“I think you’re losing it,” he replies, and she wishes she hadn’t asked.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I.” Her mouth drops open, and for a moment there she’s about to unleash holy hell on him before she remembers that it’s not really him that she’s mad at. So she keeps her mouth shut and goes back to the magazine that’s full of expensive things that she can’t imagine needing let alone wanting. And Alex stews for a few moments before he says, “Fine. How does she know? Does she read minds now?”

“Because it’s Addison and she cheated on him. It’s familiar territory.” There was also a point where she’d asked Meredith if she knew what she was doing, which made sense contextually but also felt strangely loaded. There was more to it, undoubtedly. But Alex wasn’t there and he doesn’t know this and she isn’t sure he cares.

Izzie left him. He has literally nothing to lose.

She has Derek who didn’t do anything to warrant this little tryst and yet she still hasn’t managed to pull together enough resolve to call this off.

It’s not like she loves him. Not like that anyway. And it’s not like he loves her. There’s just want and need and fulfillment of both.

“She doesn’t know,” he says, firmly, and she wishes he was the type to reach for her hand right about now, for the reassurance. “And if she does she tells Shepherd, and if she doesn’t then you think she does, panic and tell Shepherd.”

“You think you have it all figured it out,” she replies, trying for doubtful even if she has a sinking feeling that he’s not entirely too far off. “And you? What do you do?”

“I’m lying.”

“You’re lying?”

“Shepherd will make my life far more miserable than yours. Believe me, I’m lying.” He shakes his head. “Self preservation, Grey; you used to have it.”

She resents that implication. “I still do.”

“Then let it go and stop trying to pretend that this is something you’re going to tell him and then laugh about in ten years, because it’s not.” Meredith wonders if the harshness, the bleakness, has something to do with experience. Sometimes she forgets that he’s been the guilty party before; he’s been down this road. It didn’t end well for him. “You want out, then get out.”

“I don’t,” she says, means it in both cases, and nudges his shoulder with her own. It’s a return to the familiar and his face softens incrementally.

They act nothing like lovers, nothing at all, and she starts to believe that maybe she’s making something out of nothing.


haltlos November 7 2009, 10:02:35 UTC
Absolutely in love with this!


slybrunette November 7 2009, 13:51:29 UTC
Hee, thanks! I'm glad to hear it!


(The comment has been removed)

slybrunette November 8 2009, 18:05:35 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you thought so!


archibalds November 7 2009, 19:16:00 UTC
It's PERFECT! Exactly why I requested this pairing -- you write them so well :)


slybrunette November 8 2009, 18:13:33 UTC
Aw thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


waltzmatildah November 7 2009, 23:24:46 UTC
This is so very awesome. You Mer/Alex stuff is always my favourite. Love, love.


slybrunette November 8 2009, 18:30:56 UTC
Aw thanks! I'm glad you liked this!


recycledstars November 8 2009, 00:32:14 UTC
I love this. Comments above already made the important points: brilliant dialogue, great characterisation. Love it.


slybrunette November 11 2009, 00:21:41 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


mammothluv November 9 2009, 14:52:02 UTC
This is gorgeous and captures the things I love about Meredith/Alex so well.


slybrunette November 11 2009, 04:23:56 UTC
Aw thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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