you lost me in the rearview mirror {ga; burke/cristina}, you spin me right round {dlm; mason/george}

Aug 02, 2009 16:38

Title: You Lost Me In The Rear View Mirror
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Cristina/Burke, minor Cristina/Owen.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 636
Summary: Post S5, future fic. Her shoulders stiffen and her eyes flutter open, and it's not so much that she remembers where she is as it is she remembers when she is.

(what the hell are you doing standing on a vent)


Title: You Spin Me Right Round
Fandom: Dead Like Me
Characters/Pairings: Mason/George
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 758
Summary: He's spinning around in her swivel chair, like a five year old with an inability to sit still, when she comes back, and he gives her a look accompanied by, "I've always wanted to do it in one of these."

(she's going to play dumb here, like any sane person would)

character: ga: cristina, character: dlm: mason, fandom: dead like me, character: ga: burke, ship: dlm: mason/george, ship: ga: burke/cristina, character: dlm: george, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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