Title: What I'm Trying To Say
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Mark/Owen, mentions of Mark/Lexie, Owen/Cristina. Minor OC's.
Rating: R
Word Count: 4,975
Author's Note: Written for
crickets. Long overdue. Also, the place described in this fic really does exist. If you're interested, take a
look for yourself.
Summary: Post S5 finale. It started
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I didn't want to do my normal story of working through the angst until they become a couple and like...end it after the first kiss or whatever. I rarely write established, unless it's canon, so this was a refreshing change from that.
Remember when I said I fit it into canon somehow. I totally wasn't lying. In my head, that thing with Cristina is more of a turning point for several different things than it was on the show, and I'm gonna play with that a lot soon.
I was so worried about Laura though. OC's...well, no one really likes OC's. But she's there to drive the plot, in a way. It couldn't just be the Mark/Owen show, with no one else involved. It just didn't feel genuine, especially since I write ensemble a lot, and I feel like I need other characters around. So I'm so relieved you liked her and didn't find her annoying or anything.
I think Mark always missed Derek, it just wasn't actively, you know? I miss people a lot, in the back of my mind, but when you talk to that person and everything just comes back to you? That's killer.
Anyways, I'm so, so, SO glad that you liked this! I had so many doubts about it and you have erased all of them. It was a challenge, but in the end it was one that was well worth it. Thank you for putting this out there, getting me to break my writer's block, and for enjoying it.
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