writing meme

Jul 28, 2009 23:14

Because I have been writing, I just haven't exactly been finishing things:

Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations.

*i cheated a bit, and used two. because i can.

1. But she never was a quitter -- she didn’t back down -- and so she got in a car with him. And in the end she couldn’t even last the drive back to his hotel room.

2. There are several types of desperation, and, unfortunately, he has been through enough shit in his life to be fairly familiar with all of them. Even this one.

3. “It’s sad that we’ve only been here a month and we’ve managed to kill every other living thing here.” She sighed, adding, “I’m glad we didn’t get a dog as a housewarming gift.”

4. Innocence, naivety, humanity, call it what you want, but this job chipped away at your sense of it.

5. There are wildfires in some part of the state, a newly active volcano in Washington state, a dead ex-professional wrestler, and a rolled over truck on some highway in the city. She breathes a sigh; it all seems like shades of gray to her.

6. “I have a proposition for you,” he says, brightly, vibrating with energy and maybe something like excitement.

7. He can hear her padding around the kitchen, sock-feet already. She beat him out of the car, to the door, like she wasn’t even thinking about it.

8. She wants to be someone else. More than anything, she wants to remember what it’s like to feel.

9. And then he woke up to blank faces and subdued faces and the feeling like he was in a particularly disconcerting episode of the Twilight Zone.

10. There does get to a point where it becomes too much, and he’s had too much to drink, and he does the stupid thing and heads to her apartment on a whim.

11. It’ll take her sixteen summers to learn this, but learn it she does.

12. Of course, then he fires back with something like, “You know I don’t believe in coincidences,” and she winds up rethinking that statement.

13. He shrugs, a similar noise breaking through the din of chirping birds once more. “Probably the squirrel monkeys again. It’s spring; must be a mating thing.”

14. They still manage to go two years without picking up strays. And then it starts again.

fannish: tales from the long-winded

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