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Comments 27

nursebadass March 26 2009, 23:32:00 UTC
There are no words for how talented you are. There really aren't. The way you capture every single character with such clarity is always so awe inspiring to me. Nobody is that good, and yet, you are. It's really quite beautiful.

Fantastic job. Owen, Cristina. Derek, Meredith. Alex. I always love your Alex.

It's all just beautiful work.


slybrunette March 27 2009, 02:04:53 UTC
Aw, hun, thank you so much! You just really made my day, you have no idea. I believe that if someone works at it, then they can be that good you know? It just takes time I guess, and effort, but we all have it in us.

I'm so glad you liked this! Thank you again :)


sevangel March 27 2009, 00:57:02 UTC
Wow. This was wonderful. I love how their relationships progressed, enough to be realistic with still maintaining their little quirks. My favorite would have to be the Lexie/Mark, and I especially enjoyed how comfortable they were with each other, the amount of trust they had. And I'm not a huge Alex/Izzie fan (still love Denny/Izzie) but I really enjoyed your Alex. Very realistic and very in character.


slybrunette March 27 2009, 02:06:54 UTC
I tried to show progression -- but I'm not sure I managed all that I intended. Lexie/Mark were a huge point for me, they're my second favorite ship on the show (ironically, my first was Alex/Izzie, lol) so I'm glad you enjoyed that, and that you liked my take on Alex despite ship preferences. I always really appreciate that.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


foibles_fables March 27 2009, 02:55:22 UTC
There are no words for how awesome this is. Seriously. Everyone is written absolutely perfectly, with the projection of their problems and personalities into the future being spot-on. I love LOVE your ensemble work.

I'll still have to be a pairing fangirl, though, and say that my favorite parts were the Mark/Lexie ones :)


slybrunette March 28 2009, 02:17:23 UTC
Well, I love writing ensembles, so that works for me. And oh my, the Mark/Lexie...so much fun. So much. Those were definitely my favorite parts (which is probably why they were some of the longest).

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


ladybeth March 27 2009, 03:44:11 UTC
First off, this is going on my Rec journal. This story rocks. If Izzie does die on this show, this would be a great way of not glossing over it.

I have to admit, I love Mark/Lexie now. You have converted me! Sadie and I haven't quite come to terms yet though.

I would have reviewed earlier but I had to help my sister move. Ergo, this last section I didn't get to read till now.


slybrunette March 28 2009, 02:25:13 UTC
Aw thanks! I'm honored -- I always love getting recced.

I really wanted to do something that would give some kind of justice to her death. So many people have left, and no one remembers them, and I hate that. I don't want to sit there and Season Six and find that everyone's forgotten her if she does die. That's just bad storytelling.

Mark/Lexie just wins everyone over. True facts. And Sadie...well, she's always gonna be a favorite of mine, but I'm weird.

I'm glad you liked this hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


ladybeth March 29 2009, 18:30:36 UTC
I know what you mean. I think Elis Grey and Denny got the most after effect. The others just kinda get mentioned every once and awhile but other then that its pretty much "Oh, they were here?" Like Addison (although I'm kinda glad. So much revolved around her when she was on the show.)


starseed4 March 27 2009, 04:16:54 UTC
You are so fantastic at ensemble fics. Seriously. I liked how it was really melancholy with Izzie's death overshadowing things, but most of the story lines ended on a somewhat hopeful note. It was all very indicative of life moves on, y'know? I really liked the title, as well as the last line of the fic. The way you wrote this reminds me very much of how the show actually is. You really should be proud of yourself. :)

(Also love that you kept Sadie around... I kind of miss her on the show a bit!)


slybrunette March 28 2009, 02:32:26 UTC
How I manage a fic all about death, and make it hopeful, I will never ever know. But yeah, life, people, they do move on. They may not want to, it may be easier not to, but we all have to. And thank you; I really am proud, go figure. I think it's because it's so long.

Of course Sadie's still around here; I'm far from finished with her.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


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