we dreamed a life but then just like that it's done {derek/meredith, alex/meredith}

Mar 08, 2009 14:59

Title: We Dreamed A Life But Then Just Like That It's Done
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Derek/Meredith, Alex/Meredith, mentions of other pairings.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,205
Prompt: #66 - Rain for fanfic100
Author's Note: Please don't read this if you're expecting happy MerDer, or happy anything else. It's angst. It's raw and hard and ( Read more... )

character: ga: derek, ship: ga: alex/meredith, ship: ga: derek/meredith, character: ga: alex, !fic, fandom: grey's anatomy, table: fanfic100, character: ga: meredith

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nursebadass March 8 2009, 21:07:54 UTC
I never read Meredith and Derek. Ever. But the disclaimer caught my attention and I couldn't help myself.

And I'm glad I did.

This story is real and raw and beautiful and even though it's not what everybody wants- it's what you wrote. I'm struggling with that in my WIP that I'm writing because if you read like 99% of the comments they're all, "Oh, don't let Cristina go with Owen."

It's not about that. It's not about always being the shipper's fantasy and having the awwwww moments. It's about what's real and what's raw and this is a perfect example of it.

Beautiful work. Very beautiful.


slybrunette March 8 2009, 21:39:25 UTC
I don't read it either. I don't ship it, and that also means I rarely write it. When I do, I try very hard not to destroy it, but I couldn't help it here.

I'm kind of a bit sick of writing to what other people want. It gets annoying after awhile because there's a lot of fics that I end up not posting because I worry about other people's reactions. Eventually, you just have to do it for yourself you know? I mean, initially, that's how most of us started out, because at the end of the day all that matters is how you feel about it.

I'm glad you liked this, but more than that I'm glad you get what I'm saying so very, very well. Thanks for reading and reviewing!


nursebadass March 8 2009, 21:46:09 UTC
Thanks for writing it. It was <3

I friended you, btw. It's probably about damn time I did that.


slybrunette March 9 2009, 19:29:56 UTC
Yeah, I was wondering if I should do that or not, so I'm glad you made the first move. Friended back!


nursebadass March 9 2009, 19:35:22 UTC
Yay! I'm a bit on the bitchy side, but it's all good. ;)


slybrunette March 9 2009, 19:35:50 UTC
You and me both my dear ;)


nursebadass March 9 2009, 19:38:18 UTC
Aw, it's a match made in Heaven. See, all is well. ;)


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