only half of the time do you tell me just what you want {mark/lexie}

Jan 23, 2009 18:18

Title: Only Half Of The Time Do You Tell Me Just What You Want
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Mark/Lexie
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,187
Author's Note: I need someone to blame this on. It's slightly fluffy. Don't kill me.
Summary: Post 5.13 -- some time passes post that. This is one of those things that's just going to stay with him for a good long time.

If there weren’t enough comparisons between Meredith and Lexie, between the rambling and the incredibly kinky tendencies (Mark and Alex are the only ones here that know about those with Lexie; the whole hospital is well versed in Meredith’s sex life, on the other hand), then here’s another one:

Lexie winds up needing an appendectomy (an actual one - not for the sake of sick intern games). Which they task George with performing. Mark makes Sadie sit in the gallery and watch, for his own piece of mind considering he can’t sit there and watch without being extremely obvious about it, and orders her to page him if anything goes wrong (it’s not that he’s possessive or overprotective or any of that, it’s just that he heard O’Malley almost killed a guy during one of these and so he’s a little wary, rightly so).

Sadie also gets to play guard when Mark slips into her room a few hours later.

Lexie’s awake when he comes in, just a little doped up on morphine but not nearly enough that she’s declaring her love for anything and everything in sight. There’s still this goofy smile that pulls at her lips when she sees him. “You came.”

“I just got off; figured I’d stop by before I left.” The phrasing is purposeful. He’s still half-heartedly in the business of pretending that he doesn’t need her, that she’s simply an afterthought. But her smile doesn’t fade, and he figures she already knows to see through him or is in fact drugged up enough not to care. “How are you feeling?”

“Okay,” she shrugs against the bed. “Can’t sleep though.”

Mark nods; he can’t fall asleep in hospital beds either. It’s something about unfamiliarity mixed with the feeling of helplessness. They’re so used to seeing patients, sick or dying, lying in them that the association generally stands, whether or not it’s just an appendectomy or a penile fracture. “They can probably give you something to help with that.”

“I know,” she replies, but doesn’t seem too fond of that idea.

He pauses, doesn’t really know what to say. Short and sweet he keeps thinking, just enough to make sure that she’s okay and put his conscience at ease over leaving her there. “Has anyone been in to see you?”

Lexie nods. “Sadie, and some of the other interns. Meredith stopped by for a minute.” There’s another faint smile at that last. “It’s been pretty quiet; everyone’s really busy. Guess I’m missing out on a lot of good surgeries.”

She is. There’s a man on the third floor whose knife swallowing act went awry and that’s just the most boring case to come in that day. But flaunting that is too mean, so he just tells her, “Nothing out of the ordinary.”

“If you say so,” rolls off the tongue; she knows he’s lying for her benefit. She knows far too much.

“I should get going,” he finally tells her, after a moment.

Her smile falters - just a little. “Oh, yeah, of course. I’ll see you in the morning?” It’s posed as a question, like she isn’t sure she can even ask that.

“Yes you will, Little Grey,” he says, means it even. He pats one of her hands with his own, before he turns to leave, closing the door with a quiet click.

Sadie’s moved away from the door, since standing in front of it for any extended period of time looks more than a little suspicious to the average hospital staffer. Instead she’s in one of those spinny chairs with her feet planted on the desk, next to the nurse’s station. There’s a medical textbook in her hands, but she raises her eyes from it to him. “That was fast.”

Despite the desire to not stand here and talk to her about this, he decides to play nice to the woman who has basically been his bitch all day. And could, theoretically, share every sordid detail that she knows (and, according to Lexie, that’s a lot) with both Meredith and Derek if she was so inclined. “It’s late. I want to go home.”

“Don’t we all,” Sadie replies, and he doesn’t get why she’s still staring at him until he realizes that she is in fact staring at the door in Lexie’s room. That he gets.

“You want me to go back in there, don’t you?” He asks.

“She’d do it for you. She did, in fact, do it for you.” Sadie flips a few pages in the book, almost absentmindedly, as she adds, “It’s tough when you can’t sleep, all alone in a room with no - “

“Can it.” Mark orders, and she does but he can see a mischievous grin hiding behind the innocence she’s trying so hard to fake.

He has every intention of leaving, of not paying her any mind, even with the guilt trip. However, he can’t get his feet to get going towards the lobby and his way out without thinking about the girl who’d probably do anything for him and who was currently lying in that hospital bed, unable to sleep and probably lonely. Somehow, whether she means to or not, she could make him feel like a complete asshole, and have him actually care.

So, instead of turning left to leave, he backtracks, sending a glare Sadie’s way before heading back inside. Lexie’s eyes are closed this time but they flutter open when the door clicks shut. She makes a move to sit up more, forgetting for an instant that her movement is in fact restricted.

“Did you forget something?” she asks, laying back down with a slight wince.

“No,” he replies, initially, standing a feet or two from the closed door with his hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket. Mark unzips it, shrugs out of it and lets It sit in the chair in the corner of the room. It’s then that he bothers to amend his words. “Yes. And move.”

She frowns but by then he’s already crossed the room and is halfway onto the bed. “What are you doing?” Lexie asks, through a sudden attack of the giggles (they remind them that he is absolutely insane for doing this in the first place), as he settles in beside her. “Did you lose a bet?”

“You know what they say about the gift horse, Little Grey.” He says, feeling her head lift off the pillow and settle against him.

“It’s Lexie, “ she corrects, because she can, because she’s determined to break him of every habit he’s acquired over the years that she doesn’t agree with. She manages to sound fairly disappointed as she asks, “And you’re the gift?”

“I will leave.” It’s an empty threat. She murmurs something that could be interpreted as a ‘sure’, any snappy comebacks dying on her lips as Mark brings a hand up to stroke her hair -- because he remembers that for sure - and waits for her breathing to slow, even out, and his heart to stop pounding and aching and needing her.

ship: ga: mark/lexie, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, character: ga: lexie, character: ga: mark

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