Pimping Because I Can

Nov 26, 2008 10:04

I don't know how many of you are video game fans or anything, but I'm posting this anyway, because I said I would:

"Support Stacie, in conjunction with the Sam Witwer Fan Site are proud to offer this incredible auction.

Sam Witwer, the voice and face of Starkiller in the new LucasArts video game The Force Unleashed has donated 3 autographed copies of the game to Support Stacie.  Sam is the latest addtion to the hit CW show Smallville, where he plays Davis Bloome, the sexy new Metropolis EMT, and his alter ego, Doomsday.  Prior to appearing on Smallville, Sam played Crashdown on the hit show Battlestar Galactica, as well as doing numerous television and movie spots.  Sam also fronts the up and coming band The Crashtones.

You can find the auctions listed on Ebay:



Xbox 360

More information on this can be found here."

If you know anyone who's at all interested in video games, please let them know about this auction. Thanks flisties!

support stacie

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