all my bells are ringing {mark/lexie}; fake at the seams {denny}

Nov 15, 2008 14:20

Title: All My Bells Are Ringing
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Mark/Lexie
Word Count: 625
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: Originally prompted by superduperkc, who wanted Mark/Lexie, Christmas Eve for comment fic. She seemed to like it, so I thought I'd post it for the masses as well.
Summary: Because if you can't do it on Christmas then when can you.

Lexie’s got her winter jacket tied tight at the waist, hands she had in her pockets in anticipation of the lightly falling snow and bitter cold that’ll hit her once she steps outside. She’s going home. She’s going home to an apartment that’ll probably be empty because George was supposed to stop by Meredith’s, and it’s December twenty-fourth, the first Christmas without her mom, and it makes her heart sink when she thinks about spending it alone.

It makes her heart sink and her head spin, and then she’s spinning, suddenly, when someone grabs her by the forearm and pulls her backwards into the supply closet she was just passing. It’s dark when the door closes and her hands find the lapels of a lab coat as the man under her fingertips flips the light switch and she ends up face to face with Mark.

“What are you - “ it’s breathy, and as it turns out perfect for the scene that’s about to play out because he presses his lips to hers, presses her against a shelf full of god-knows-what and she opens her mouth to him (it’s the last thing she expected because he’s an attending and she’s…Lassie or Lexopedia or the other Grey and, yet, this is really what she should’ve expected all along).

And, like the brave little soldier she’s trying to be, she lets her hand come to rest on his shoulder, steadying herself, and enjoying the taste of him, the feel of him. It’s been awhile since someone’s kissed her like they were actually thinking about her and not just happy (George) or bored (Alex). It’s been awhile and so she’s going to savor it before she has to step back and ask what the hell is going on.

She doesn’t get much chance to.

Mark drops his hands from her and smirks like he just won something as he says, “You’re hard to track down Grey.”

Lexie licks her lips and tries not to blush, clearing her throat as she says the only thing she can think of, “Did you just win a bet or something.”

He never loses the smile. Somehow though she thinks she can see confusion, maybe offense, behind his eyes. She doesn’t know what to make of that. All he offers is, “It’s Christmas.”

“And?” There’s this feeling in her stomach, butterflies. Mark Sloane is making her feel butterflies. The world might be ending.

“If you can’t do it on Christmas, then when can you?” He elaborates. It’s so unlike Mark. Maybe it’s just so unlike Dr. Sloan, the guy almost as famous for his one night stands as his surgeries. Maybe this is just another pickup line for him (there’s a part of her that’s hoping that Mark and that man have just as many differences as they do similarities, but she doesn’t really believe in miracles, not even on Christmas).

Her eyes flit to the small clock on the wall, confirming her suspicions. “But it’s not Christmas yet.” He alternately raises and then lowers his eyebrows and she laughs when he checks his watch. “Told you so. You’re early.”

“Are you happy with yourself now?” She’s still laughing, and he’s kind of looking at her like she’s might need to be sent off to psych but she doesn’t care. This is what she needs.

And then she surprises even herself. “Well we can try that again. Actually on Christmas. If you want.”

It returns the grin to his face. “That’s the spirit.”

At worst, he’ll be a good distraction. At best, it’ll be a better Christmas than she could’ve come up with on her own, she thinks, as she slips through the door. She doesn’t need to look back to know he’s following.


Title: Fake At The Seams
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Denny
Word Count: 184
Rating: PG
Author's Note: My thoughts on what we were really seeing at the end of 5.08. Trust me when I say this isn't happy fluffy meant to be type stuff. I would never do that.
Summary: All you get are moments.

All he can do is watch.

That’s the thing about being on the other side, you get these moments. Moments were your path crosses with the people you love, the ones you left behind, and you can see them, you can hear them, you can almost feel them.

This isn’t the first time he’s experienced this. It is the first time where she hasn’t noticed. It’s the first time where she hasn’t taken a step back or sucked in a breath. Any reaction to let him know that she felt it too.

Her fingers skim through the air instead, her eyes filled with tears at something he can’t see. And when she says his name, her eyes focused in the exact opposite direction from where he is, Denny knows, without a single doubt that something isn’t just off, something is very wrong.

Something is wrong with her.

He doesn’t get to see anything else.

Like he said, it’s moments. Moments that used to leave him feeling comforted that she was all right. She would be all right.

This one only leaves him feeling cold.

ship: ga: mark/lexie, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, character: ga: denny, character: ga: lexie, character: ga: mark

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