(no subject)

Oct 24, 2008 17:45

Title: I Can't Remember When The World Turned Slowly
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex/Izzie
Word Count: 261
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Shamelessly fluffy. Not even trying to be anything else at this point. But it's a double-drabble.
Summary: Post 5x05. You know they got in this habit where something is just supposed to go wrong; she just expects it now. But maybe expecting the unexpected really makes it the expected.

The strangest part is waking up.

And strange part is that it feels so…normal. She opens her eyes and knows exactly where she is, whose hand is resting on the curve of her hip. She doesn’t have the moment of worry or regret or disappointment or anything really.

It’s just another morning, except it isn’t her bed and she’s not worried about how she’s going to pull through another day of this talking-but-not thing that her and Alex have been subsisting upon for the past few weeks (though she is worried about who she’s going to have to fight for bathroom time and she can’t even see the clock unless she sits up because it’s on the other side of the bed, and she just is not moving right now).

Of course this is the blissful part of being the first one to wake up - you don’t have to deal with the other person. Because for all she knows he could wake up and be a complete asshole again and then there’s the whole pushing away thing and she doesn’t want to think about that entirely legitimate possibility either.

Izzie just want to sleep for another few hours. Or maybe even just wake up and not have everything fall apart. For a change. No more yelling, cheating, playing games - that would be nice.

(The alarm goes off five minutes later but the other half of her wish is still on the table, and from the way he only pulls her closer, she thinks the cards might finally be in her favor).

character: ga: izzie, ship: ga: alex/izzie, character: ga: alex, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic

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