(no subject)

Oct 08, 2008 17:05

Title: There Are Moments When I Know It
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Meredith, Lexie (context is up for interpretation)
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Prompt: #30 - Zinc for femslash100
Summary: Sometimes she wonders if she would've turned out any different if she'd always known, if there had been someone else when she was growing up (because her mother definitely wasn't).

Meredith can’t help the staring. Really. Because, and yes, she didn’t exactly have a normal childhood, but she’s never actually seen someone put stick-on-stars on their ceilings. Usually it’s posters for bands, actresses, something other than stars.

“I was seven. My mom helped me put them up. I guess I just never took them down.” Lexie shrugs, embarrassment and nostalgia coloring her cheeks.

Because, you see, Lexie’s old room, in her childhood house, is still intact, still just the way she left it when she went off to college. And now they’re cleaning it out because their father’s dead.

At the end of the day, when everything’s boxed up, those stars remain on the ceiling, and Lexie is tugging on her wrist, pulling her down to the bare mattress that still lays in it’s frame, to be taken away later. “Stay here,” she says, a smile on her lips, running over to flick the light switch and plunge them in to darkness.

Above her, the stars glow yellow-green as Lexie slides back onto the bed.

“I liked feeling like the sky, the stars, were in reach,” she admits, cautiously adding, so as not to sound like some teen girl waxing poetic, “when I was a kid.”

It’s little things like that that make Meredith wish that Lexie was around when she was younger. Maybe things would’ve been a lot less lonely then.

She squeezes Lexie’s hand instead of saying things like that because she isn’t that kind of girl either.


Title: History Turns To Rust
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Addison/Lexie
Word Count: 244
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #4 - Beryllium for femslash100
Summary: Addison makes these promises (she's done with Seattle Grace, done with Mark and Derek and Alex and everyone, never going back to any of that) and then she breaks them. Repeatedly.

“It’s just…well there’s…” Lexie has a hard time getting a complete sentence out with Addison Montgomery not three inches from her face, exactly as beautiful as she’d heard everyone say she was. She’s not even sure how they got to this point.

“What? History?” Addison breathes warm against her neck and it makes her shiver. Overhead the fluorescent lights flicker, casting quick shadows on their faces. “Like your sister slept with my husband kind of history?”

Lexie blinks. Cut and dry. “Yeah.”

“You know, Lexie - can I call you Lexie?” Even as she’s asking she’s moving closer. And she isn’t really asking. She has a feeling Addison is very much a ‘do what you want’ kind of person. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that you need to put the past in the past.”

And Lexie can sort of see what she means, but somehow she doesn’t think kissing a former whatever’s sister in the on-call room of Seattle Grace, on her second trip back there, does not qualify as putting the past anywhere but front and center.

Of course she cares about that fact increasingly less and less depending on where Addison’s hands and lips are, like right now where her lips have found their way to the smooth skin of her bare neck, right before she bites down in a way that sends waves of pleasure right through Lexie’s body.

Focus on the now, she thinks, and just goes with it.

table: periodic, challenge: femslash100, ship: ga: addison/lexie, character: ga: addison, character: ga: lexie, !fic, fandom: grey's anatomy, character: ga: meredith

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