(no subject)

Sep 25, 2008 13:05

Freshly back from the mock-presidential debate and election held at my school today -- ironic when you consider Friday's actual debate isn't a sure thing atm -- and I was pleasantly surprised that no one killed each other over their political views. People played nice (for the most part) it was almost nice. I say almost because I had my fair share of unrelated friend issues while this whole thing was going on but I think after today that person will no longer be a problem.

Also, they say the youth vote is definitely going Obama's way and they weren't wrong, at least not in my area. The election results at my school were 23% McCain and 70% Obama (the other 7% went to either Ralph Nader or Bob Barr's way, which was surprising to me to say the least).

There's new Office/Grey's Anatomy tonight and, as usual, I will be watching GA, that sad, sad little show that 70% of the time I don't like, because I have the inability to let go. Crossing my fingers that both premieres are good.

elect '08

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