(no subject)

Aug 02, 2008 14:44

Title: This Year's Hell
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex/Cristina
Word Count: 411
Rating: R
Prompt: Alex/Cristina, rough for Porn Battle VI
Spoilers: Up to 4.01 - A Change Is Gonna Come. Set during that episode.
Summary: You know, this just isn't like them. At all. For so many reasons.

“I miss Rebecca.”

“I miss Burke.”

And you know, this just isn’t like them. At all. For so many reasons.

They don’t get sad or lost or broken or down. If they do, they hide these thoughts, these feelings; compartmentalizing is a way of life. They certainly don’t admit to having them.

They definitely don’t do it with each other.

They’ve never been close; there’s always been distance, probably because there’s really nothing they could do to help each other. They aren’t people who comfort, aren’t kind, aren’t a lot of things.

That’s probably what makes this really sad. That they’re both so messed up that they end up talking to each other, looking for a light at the end of the tunnel and soothing words in empty places.

It ends up with him pressing her into the wall, both with his lips and his hands, hard and forceful, enough to hurt. She must not mind because she digs her fingers into his shoulders, and flips them around so that it’s his back against the wall, it’s her that’s driving this.

“Fuck them,” he says, into her mouth, and she bites down on his lower lip, painfully, but it’s what he wants. The pain cancels out the hurt.

He gets his hands beneath the waistband of her pants and pushing them down around her knees and her fingers get underneath his, wrapping around his cock, one single squeeze. His scrubs are down around his ankles in seconds. They don’t bother with their tops.

It occurs to both of them that they’re in a hallway right now.

Neither cares.

He flips them again, pinning one of her wrists with his hand, the other arm braced against the wall, for support and balance. And then he pushes into her.

They’re quick to find a rhythm. She bucks her hips against his, pulling him in deeper, then, when that isn’t good enough, she wraps one leg around him, bringing him closer.

When she comes, it’s with a breathy, yet somehow pissed-off, “fuck them” that leaves her lips.

They aren’t the kind of people to say names. Not when they come.

Or otherwise.

(I miss...)

At least they weren’t until today.

Hastily putting their clothes on in the silence of the basement corridor, it’s kind of like they’re themselves again. People who don’t need things like sympathy or love or even other people. People who don’t hurt.

Not now.

Even if it’s just a delay.


Title: Things You Can't Learn From A Textbook
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Cristina/Lexie
Word Count: 584
Rating: R
Prompt: Cristina/Lexie, power play for Porn Battle VI
Spoilers: Up to 4.16/17 - Freedom. Set during that ep.
Summary: Lexie understands the only reason why Cristina is even bothering teaching her is because it keeps her looking like a model resident. Also, the Chief gave Hahn crap and took Cristina's side, which pretty much makes it the best day ever for her.

Lexie understands how this works.

She understands the only reason why Cristina is even bothering teaching her is because it keeps her looking like a model resident. Also, the Chief gave Hahn crap and took Cristina’s side, which pretty much makes it the best day ever for her.

Maybe this is her way of celebrating.

Lexie tries talking to her. Multiple times. But it’s almost impossible over Cristina’s headphones - which by the way she can hear the beat to the music out here, from across the room when she gets up if she listens hard enough - and so after a few unanswered questions, a few ‘thank you for teaching me’, she just starts saying random, sometimes semi-inappropriate or uncalled for things.

Because she can.

“You know I know what you’re doing. That you’re just using me to make a...power play or something.” She keeps her eyes on that banana, on that whipstitch. “You don’t have to act like you like teaching me or something.”

Briefly, she looks over at Cristina, just to make sure she isn’t listening. Her eyes are closed, headphones still solidly in her ears.

“You’re probably just doing this because of Meredith. Not that she cares or anything.” She continues, keeping her voice low, feeling safer as she keeps talking. “And what’s with you two by the way? You, like, share a bed? I mean I get that you two are best friends but isn’t that kind of odd?”

She can’t help but laugh to herself, just a little. It feels silly to be doing this, but at the same time it feels good. Being able to rant, without repercussion.

“Do you two have like a thing going on? Because that’s what it seems like to me. Not that anyone would tell me, not even George, not that he probably knows, but if he did he wouldn’t tell me...”

And then.

Then Cristina plucks her headphones out of her ears. “Okay, are you under the impression that I can’t hear you?”

Lexie’s mouth, and this is not an exaggeration, snaps shut and her eyes go wide, because the things she said weren’t that bad, but she didn’t exactly want them heard. She struggles, then, “You weren’t replying so I thought - “

“I see. Apparently you’ve never been ignored before.” Which is so not it. So, so not it. Plenty of practice, really. “Now, define thing.”

Okay, now she really is at a loss for words. “Um, I just meant that you too spend an awful lot of time together and - “

Cristina must have a fondness for cutting people off because she does here, again, but this time with her lips. Lips that press themselves to Lexie’s half-open, mid-sentence mouth, and take that opportunity to push her tongue into Lexie’s mouth. Lexie didn’t even see her get up, much less hover over her and lean down.

Then she pulls back.

“Does that answer your question?”

And so, maybe, they decided that went well enough, and maybe there were other things Cristina could teach Lexie, things other than a running whipstitch, but things that involved her hands, which kind of made them on topic. It was dealing with anatomy.

Things like just how to move her fingers inside of her or the right way to use her tongue to trace Cristina’s nipple so it made her moan.

Like she said, it was anatomy. Purely educational.

Lexie thinks she doesn’t really mind if she’s just part of some power play so much anymore.

character: ga: cristina, challenge: porn battle vi, character: ga: alex, ship: ga: cristina/lexie, character: ga: lexie, !fic, fandom: grey's anatomy, ship: ga: alex/cristina

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