(no subject)

Jul 19, 2008 17:56

Title: Happy Cheery People
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Izzie/Lexie, Meredith
Word Count: 120
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Written for IDF 2008 at femslash100
Summary: There is such a thing as too much holiday cheer.

It’s kind of like having two Izzie’s this year.

Because there’s Izzie, in all of her tinseling let’s-decorate-every-inch-of-the-house glory, but then there’s also Lexie, who is like that but more with the mistletoe. And the giggling. So much giggling, in the kitchen, in the living room, digging through the closets.

It could drive a person insane.

When Meredith hears it in the bedroom it very nearly does.

First it’s just that: giggling. And then it kind of mixes with this sort of unusually paced breathing, and Meredith knows exactly what’s going on even if she wishes she didn’t.

She blames it on the spiked eggnog they seem to have an abundance of and tries to block them out and fall asleep.


Title: Because This Feels Like Something Akin To Coming Full Circle
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Izzie/Callie
Word Count: 270
Rating: R
Prompt: Written for IDF 2008 at femslash100
Summary: This is sort of like getting even in some wildly screwed up kind of way.

“So this makes us even, right?”

And it’s a completely ridiculous thing to ask but this is also a completely ridiculous situation, so she guesses that even’s out (there’s that word again).

Callie just raises an eyebrow and somehow, even lying on the bed, naked as the day she was born, with only the sheet barely covering her chest and midsection, off white against tan skin, she manages to look intimidating.

At some point Izzie went from finding that quality unnerving to finding it a bit sexy.

Like, for instance, when Callie had pinned her wrists above her head with one hand, while sliding three fingers into her with the other, making her arch off the bed. She didn’t with this fire behind her eyes, this take-charge attitude, and Izzie’s always applied that to Callie, but certainly not in this respect.

“Not that we’re keeping score. Or that I’m keeping score.” Izzie adds, after a long moment, the silence too thick and the sheet she’s wrapped around herself too thin. “It’s just that - “

“I’ve slept with George and you’ve slept with George so we might as well sleep with each other?” Callie finishes for her, using the kind of logic that can be found at the bottom of a near empty bottle of champagne that still sits in the ice bucket, courtesy of that hotel Callie’s never moved out of.

There isn’t anything Izzie can find to say other than, “Sort of.”

After a moment, “How many times did you sleep together? Just, you know, in order to make it truly even.”

Izzie likes where this is going.

challenge: femslash100, character: ga: callie, character: ga: izzie, ship: ga: izzie/lexie, fandom: grey's anatomy, character: ga: lexie, !fic, ship: ga: callie/izzie, character: ga: meredith

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