(no subject)

Jun 26, 2008 09:27

Tagged by superduperkc

Instructions: Self-interrogation meme, copy to your own journal and tag away.
1. What trait do you wish you didn’t have?
2. Is there a dream that you’ve let go of? Do you regret it or not?
3. What “bad” thing have you done in your life that you don’t regret?
4. What’s an opinion that you have which isn’t popular with most people?
5. What's one thing you wouldn't change about yourself?

1. My inability to adapt. I don't like change and thus am very resistant to it. And so even when it comes to little things like where I sit in the cafeteria at school (I always take the booths) or what day I wash the sheets (Mondays) I tend to freak out or get a little nervous when these kind of things do change. I need transition. And I'm fine when I change things, like when I cut my hair four inches shorter, but if someone else does something that ends up changing my life? Well I don't deal well with that.

2. I wanted to be a surgeon. I acknowledge now that this is a dream I will not recognize. And yes, I regret the decision to focus more on writing and psychology sometimes, but most I think I'm probably making the right decision.

3. The day my dad left for New York in September because my aunt was sick, I played hooky from school with my mom. We went to IHOP (and I'd never been before, or been out to breakfast actually) and then went shopping and you know, it just felt good during a time when pretty much nothing else did.

4. I have so many it's hard to choose. Perhaps, in general, all the books that most people love? The Twilight and Harry Potter things? I hate them. With a passion. So yeah, unpopular.

5. I'm very blunt. And it's rude, sometimes, and uncalled for, but one thing I've got going for me is my honesty in that I tell it like it is (of course I lie a lot too but that's to get myself out of things, which is not the same thing).


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