(no subject)

May 30, 2008 14:41

I haven't actually watched the last half of the Lost finale yet (I heard it because my radio picks it up but I wasn't near a TV) and I'm still working my way through reviews but a couple of points to make:

- Where the fuck is Daniel? 
- Where did Charlotte's born on island storyline come from and are they going to remember to touch on that next year?
- Why promote Harold Perrineau's return if you were going to kill him off after like 6 episodes? Why get my hopes up?
- Dude, Walt grew up big time. 
- Sun and the screaming was great for about five seconds -- then my ears hurt. But kudos to her because I don't think I've ever heard anyone scream like that.
- Sawyer's little whisper fest? Totally about Cass and Clementine. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.
- Sawyer and Juliet are now stuck on the island. I'm totally writing my fic.
- My Kate/Sun fic is now 100% AU. Thanks a lot muse for taking so damn long to write it.
- Sayid kicks ass. Literally.

There's more, but I just can't remember it.
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