(no subject)

May 22, 2008 18:16

Title: About Today
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Dr. Wyatt, Callie, Rose, Mark, Izzie, Lexie
Word Count: 1,436
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Post 4.15 - Losing My Mind
Author's Note: One last pre-finale fic.
Summary: Five Therapy Sessions. Five Characters. Lots of drama.

“She kissed me.”

It’s not like she doesn’t hear that a billion times a day. It’s just usually it’s coming from a guy. Dr. Wyatt can only nod and repeat, hoping to get more than just that sentence. “She kissed you.”

“In an elevator.” Another thing she hears a lot. Usually from Meredith Grey. These people need to learn to take the stairs. “In front of Sloan.”

Interesting. “Do you know why she kissed you?”

“We were joking about a threesome, because you know he’s doing his whole ‘I’m a changed man’ bullshit, so we were trying to taunt him, and he wasn’t really giving in so she...kissed me. In an elevator.”

She’s quite stuck on that fact apparently. This kiss. And from past sessions with her Dr. Wyatt knows that she isn’t exactly sure what to do about what’s going on with her and Erica Hahn and this unexpected sexual tension. There’s a logical question here, but she tries to hold off on asking it as long as she can. “And how do you feel about that?”

“Confused.” The woman shifts in her chair, uncomfortably. “I mean what was that? Was that her showing off, or was that like a kiss. An actual real, feelings driven kiss. It’s not like I can ask her ‘hey, what we’re you thinking?’. It’s much more complicated than that.”

“Well what do you want it to be?” She loves these types of situations, because all she really has to do is keep asking the questions they should be asking themselves, and let them do the talking. The answer to this seems kind of obvious, because it wouldn’t be bothering her this much if she didn’t have some feelings for Hahn. If she didn’t she could just blow it off and call it fun and games with Sloan, who, really, more than deserved the taunting. But she isn’t, and that means something.

“I don’t know.”

She nods. “Are you still sleeping with Sloan?”

The woman’s cheeks color, just slightly, but she doesn’t look away as she says, “Yes.”

“And do you have feelings for him?”

The answer is quick. “No.”

“Then why are you having sex with him?”

There’s no answer to that, not that she expected one, but there is a look of realization, and she could’ve already told her that was coming.


“So now he says he wants a relationship that isn’t complicated. He wants to be easy-going and laidback, which is pretty much like saying he wants a booty call. What do I do with that?”

This is the problem with being the only psychologist in this hospital: you hear way too much about these people’s personal lives, to the point of being able to see the triangles and quadrangles that frequent this hospital. This one’s a fun one. Not surprisingly it involves Meredith Grey, not that this girl really gets that. Everything does. These people are all connected to her in one way or another. “Are you okay with that?”

“Now? Yes. I mean we’ve only been going out for like a month. But does he mean forever? Because I’m not sticking around for that.” There’s frustration in her voice. “He’s so distant, you know? Every time I try to talk to him he either walks away or won’t look at me.”

“And why do you think that is?” Back down the rabbit hole, and these people should really just not date each other. There’s too much cross-dating; too much sex and not enough medicine.

“You know when Dr. Montgomery was here, you know what she asked? She asked who was the rebound girl, right after she found out that Derek and Meredith Grey were over. Right in front of me. She didn’t know it was right in front of me, but it was, and I can’t help but wonder is that what everyone thinks of me? Is that what he thinks about me? The rebound girl. And am I supposed to be okay with that?”

“Do you have feelings for him?”

She shies away from the question almost immediately, mumbling a, “Maybe.”

“Yes or no, it’s as simple as that.”

There’s some sort of internal struggle that takes place within her before, “Yes. I do. I have feelings for him. And I don’t want to. I don’t want to...love someone who just isn’t going to love me back.”

“Then break up with him.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Neither is life.” It’s not that she’s pushing for them to break up, because that would be a bias and then she wouldn’t be actually helping her patient with anything; she’s just trying to make a point. Nothing is cut and dry with relationships, and there are no right answers.

Again, like life.


“And then they made out.”

Same story, different point of view. “Why?”

“Because they’re hell-bent on proving me wrong about being a changed man. Because they’re torturing me.” At least he can figure that much out.

“How is that going by the way? The being a changed man?” She never for one second expected his new life philosophy to work. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and that’s truer with him than most anyone she’s ever met before. He is who he is but at least he knows it.

“Fine until now.”

“You don’t seem too broken up about that.”

“Some things aren’t meant to be.” Casual, nonchalant. What a surprise. “I can’t say I didn’t try.”

She shakes her head, not at all surprised but still a little disappointed. “No, you sure can’t.”

But there’s a difference between trying just to say you did and trying because you really want to, he just hasn’t seemed to figure that out yet.



It sounds irritated, just like the sound of her flopping down onto the chair right after she stormed in did. “You’re upset I take it.”

“Yes. Very.”

“Is this the George thing again?” She’s been down this road many times, and it’s a good guess really, because usually she’s pretty consistent.

Not today. “No. It’s not. It’s about some people who won’t ask for help even if they really, really need it, and then when someone tries to help them anyway they get yelled at.”

She’s not sure she’s ever seen her this fired up. “Care to elaborate?”

“I have a friend. And this friend’s girlfriend, or whatever she is, has a problem. She had a hysterical pregnancy, forgets that she has a husband and a daughter at home, and is currently living with him, in my house, well actually it’s Meredith’s house but whatever, while he turns his entire life around just to please her.” It all comes out in one breath, how she isn’t sure. “And I am trying very hard to be patient and see if I can help him but he doesn’t want help because he’s under the delusion that he can do this.”

Well, at least it’s a story she hasn’t heard. “Seems like you’ve tried everything.”

“I have. I’ve tried. I’ve tried everything short of dragging her here myself, which, the more I think about, is starting to sound like a good idea.” She is not being literal. But she might be one day soon.

“Well really it’s his choice. It’s his problem. If he’s just a friend, you shouldn’t have a problem with him making his own decisions.”

She shakes her head. “Friends don’t let friends make stupid decisions.”

“So this has nothing to do with jealousy then?” That would be a nerve that she just hit, so she pushes on. “It’s just a simple question.”

It’s just not so simple when the answer is no.


“She hates me.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.” She can’t help but be sympathetic to the girl; she just looks so lost sometimes.

“She said it. Or Cristina said it. Same thing.” Doe eyes, she thinks, watching her. “You know she said she never wanted to know me. And I get that. Even though she thinks I don’t, I really do. But I want to know her. Even if she’s messed up. Even if she doesn’t want to know me. But she won’t let me. She won’t let anyone in.”

And finally she’s out of advice, because she’s still trying to fix Meredith’s issues herself, sort through them and analyze, and this is all Meredith’s baggage. This isn’t really about the girl in front of her. Not at all. She’s sure this girl was just fine before she came here and found herself ingrained in this...soap opera.

It’s all about Meredith. Like she said.

character: ga: rose, character: ga: mark, character: ga: callie, character: ga: izzie, character: ga: lexie, character: ga: dr. wyatt, !fic, fandom: grey's anatomy

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