(no subject)

Apr 16, 2008 18:07

Title: Better In Theory
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Meredith, implied Meredith/Derek
Word Count: 188
Rating: PG
Prompt: For
Summary: There's something wrong with her.

She thinks she likes the concept of him more than anything.

It’s the dreamy husband, with the two story house, in the perfect neighborhood, that’s conveniently in close proximity to one of the best schools for their kids that don’t exist that she had with the husband she doesn’t have. The one she’s less and less sure she even wants in the first place.

She blames it on the media, on storybooks, on bad representations of how life works out. You’re told one thing but the reality ends up different and then it becomes something wrong with you, with who you are, with what you want, with what you think you deserve.

There’s something wrong with her.

It’s easier to pretend that it’s actually something wrong with him, and that everyone’s the way she is. Everyone fears commitment and feels smothered in relationships, feels trapped. He’s the anomaly. He’s the one who has to work out his issues and fix his problems. She’s just fine.

Breaking up with him…it’s just easier than addressing her faults and her flaws and her problems.

It’s not really about him at all.


Title: I'm Dead On The Surface But Screaming Underneath
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Desmond/Juliet
Word Count: 427
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: For

Summary: Somehow this is viewed in terms of us and them.

When the helicopter takes off without them on it, it’s like everyone goes into mourning. She guesses it’s for their lives off the island, a funeral of sorts. Jack used to speak of second chances and new beginnings and when she can’t sleep she lets his words wash over her. She misses a man she’ll probably never see again, and it’s tragic because she misses a lot of things she’ll probably never see again. Like her sister. Like her apartment that took her so long to find. Like safety.

Juliet probably misses that more than all of it. She’s not safe and she’s not alone, not in the literal sense, but she might as well be.

Somehow this is viewed in terms of us and them, and she’s always been a ‘them’, even if she’d long since betrayed her side. You can’t fix first impressions, that’s true enough, and even though the only person she ever truly wronged, the one she held captive, has long since forgiven her, these people still can’t.

So it’s her fault and she’ll sit back and take it and wait for them to get over it and come to their senses, because there’s really not a lot of another options for her.

They blame Desmond for this too, going all the way back to Charlie, and she thinks if that’s the case, if that’s they’re criteria, then they can blame Jack for making that phone call, or Locke for leading them away to the barracks, or pretty much anyone else.

She won’t ever say this to them. She won’t ever say it to him either, or at least that’s what she’ll tell herself, and then she’ll find him drunk and loose and so, so tired of this, and she has nothing to lose really, she has no one to lose, and she thinks maybe if she just leans in and kisses him it will make this all go away.

But it won’t and that’s not how it works. The scratch of his beard against her chin, the tan skin, hard muscle under her fingertips, the way he smells like salt and the sea - all it does is remind her of where she is.

She’s lost. She’s here and she’s lost and she might never get home and she’s just now letting that sink in, in a bed with stiff sheets and a man she doesn’t love and never will but is just as lost as she is.

Misery loves company and she’s beginning to realize that that isn’t just something you say.

fandom: lost, character: lost: desmond, character: lost: juliet, ship: lost: desmond/juliet, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, character: ga: meredith

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