(no subject)

Mar 27, 2008 21:43

Title: Ever The Same
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Michael
Word Count: 456
Rating: PG
Prompt: Character Prompt Day 2 at
Summary: Spoilers for 4.08. Time doesn't change much. Two twin evenings in the life of Michael Dawson.

September 2004

First night here and he can’t sleep.

All down the beach sleeping bodies are grouped up and scattered. They’ve been here less than twenty four hours and already people have cliqued off. The people who were lucky enough to have family with them, the bratty brother and sister, and the Korean couple sleep on the outskirts of things. They’ve both got reasons to feel out of place but at least they can feel that way together.

It isn’t just families and couples either. The rambunctious brunette who can’t seem to stand still pretends to sleep right by the leader guy, Jack, looking over from time to time to make sure he’s still there. The pregnant girl sleeps towards the middle of the camp, surrounded on all sides by people, as if they’re protecting her. The British guy, who’s been demonstrating some interesting behaviors reminiscent of an old friend of his who was heavy into drugs, stays especially close.

People talk about rescue, about helicopters and passing ships, like all they have to do is sit back and wait. They phrase things as ‘when’ instead of ‘if’, but most of them know the odds of that on some unconscious level, he thinks, and so that’s why they cling to each other. Just in case. Just in case this is the only family they’ll ever know.

He looks at the ten feet of space between him and Walt and thinks family is definitely not the word for them, no matter what the blood in their veins says.


November 2004

First night here and he can’t sleep.

The apartment is silent. Too silent. He’s grown accustomed to falling asleep to the sound of crashing waves, to the sound of people. Now there isn’t a snore or conversation to be heard, and the only white noise he can hear is a car horn going off in the distance.

He’s alone. His mother took Walt to stay with her, with a shake of her head directed towards Michael. What did you do to that poor boy? She stops asking about him, what happened to him. Maybe she determined that he’s too late for saving. He’d have to agree.

In the quiet, cold darkness he can’t get comfortable. He thinks of the people he left behind and feels sand underneath his skin and a knot in his stomach. He left them in the clutches of the Others in order to get his son back. His son that he lost within less than a day of being back. All for nothing, and he’s only got himself to blame.

Now all that’s left for him is hastily written notes and words no one believes. This is the end of the line.

fandom: lost, !fic, character: lost: michael, challenge: lostsquee

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