(no subject)

Feb 12, 2008 17:02

Title: And I Swerve Out Of Control
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Sayid/Juliet
Word Count: 527
Rating: R
Prompt: #15 - This Is My Desperation In Action
Summary: Spoilers for Season 4. He's come so far since his days on the island. Too bad it happens to be in the wrong direction.

He’s come so far since his days on the island.

Too bad it happens to be in the wrong direction.


He told himself he’d never torture another person. He left after Sawyer.

Ben - he shakes his head, scratches that name off the list. There was reason, he reminds himself.

This is what he doesn’t think about: there’s reason behind everything, right or wrong.

Being one of the Oceanic Six makes him relatively untouchable. Gives him money. Gives him freedom. Power.

That’s the problem. Power tends to go to your head.

In the end he’ll just tell himself old habits die hard and move on. He can’t undo what’s already done. It’s out of his hands.

His whole life is at this point.


He picked Europe on purpose. He’s the only one of them who doesn’t call California home.

There’s a reason for this.

Besides, their government never gave him anything but a hard way to go, making him jump through hoops for that one thing he needed. The one person he needed.

Sometimes, he wonders if she ever thinks of him.


He doesn’t think about the people he left behind - that they left behind. It was a betrayal born out of necessity.

They had to leave. Someone had to.

He can only be so selfless before he starts to wonder if he’s really doing any good. If it’s really worth it. Worth his own life.

Not that it amounts to anything that can be considered good either.


He’s not there three weeks before she shows up in a crowd one day, a knowing smile on her face.

She always knows more than she lets on.


The news people all called her a native of the island because they didn’t know what else to label her as. They didn’t understand how she got there; why she’d go in the first place. Something about submarines and false promises from men that never age, and it’s out of the realm of his understanding.

He’s fairly sure she doesn’t understand it either.


There’s really no rhyme or reason to her being here. She has no ties here, no family nor friends. They certainly were never friends.

She was the enemy, in some form, up until the bitter end. Sayid refuses to trust anyone’s motivations fully.

It’s not like the feeling isn’t mutual.


“Guess I wasn’t too far off.” It’s her, laughing at the mere thought of his name connected to words like ‘moral’ or ‘righteous’. Talk about a fall from grace.

The last thing that either of you need right now is more blood on your hands.

Now he shakes his head and lets the water wash it away, down the drain.


They’re both desperate for something; it’s the what that he can’t grasp.

He’d always thought she had her sights set on Jack; turns out it doesn’t much matter when you’re lonely. Still lost.

Hands pressed against her hips as he thrusts into her, and there’s a careless quality to this that is unfamiliar to him.

It’s no wonder that he sees so little of himself in the man in the mirror.

ship: lost: sayid/juliet, table: un_love_you, character: lost: sayid, fandom: lost, character: lost: juliet, !fic

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