(no subject)

Feb 09, 2008 17:28

Title: Second Place Ain't So Great
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Sawyer/Juliet
Word Count: 383
Rating: R
Prompt: 6 - Truth for 
Summary: Spoilers for Season 4. There will be a point where they have no choice but to throw in the towel.

There will be a point where they have no choice but to throw in the towel.

She knows she will always come in second, she’s accepted that. Doesn’t mean she can’t try.

But Sawyer - he might never learn.


Strike that: he never does learn.

He lets Kate play him - lets her like he likes it. Maybe he does. This back and forth game.

She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

The world doesn’t work that way.


She doesn’t bother challenging him anymore.

All it results in is him calling her a liar in one form or another, like somehow it absolves him of everything he’s done because he threw the first stone.

It’s still the pot calling the kettle black.


Which will come first, she wants to ask.

These days it’s rescue, what with the helicopter just sitting in a clearing in the jungle.

Face it, this is a losing battle.


When the camps get back together Kate and Sawyer aren’t even speaking.

Surprise, surprise.


She’s always been forward.

She kisses him, just like she did Jack, no fanfare, just lips (and teeth here).

They’re remarkably similar.

Maybe Kate’s just confused by it.


That they actually leave them? Get on that helicopter, fly off over the ocean.

Well that just makes it easier now doesn’t it?


He’s pissed off, that certainly shows through.

She bites down on his lip a little too hard, shifts her hips against his.

There’s a “fuck you” in there somewhere that she doesn’t answer.


She saw Kate’s face when she got on that helicopter.

There was no regret.

At least she can’t say the same about Jack.

Shit happens. End of story.


When he fucks her there isn’t much fanfare either.


She misses her sister sometimes.

Even so, she’ll never cry over it.

What would be the point? His ability to comfort got left on another island, in a cage somewhere, memory preserved in a soundless black and white video.


“I could’ve told you it was just a matter of time.”

This is a game of ‘I told you so’, except there’s no laughing involved. Nobody wins, not really.

They aren’t ever coming back.

But that’s a truth neither of them wants to accept.

ship: lost: sawyer/juliet, table: 12_stories, character: lost: sawyer, fandom: lost, character: lost: juliet, !fic

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