Title: I've Got A Sweet Tooth And A Taste For You Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Characters/Pairings: Alex/Izzie, Meredith Word Count: 750 Rating: PG-13 Author's Note: For
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*sigh* Although now I really really want a Red Velvet cake anda ll I have is yellow that is set aside for pinapple upside down cake my mother is planning but probably will never actually bake. But if I use it she'll yell at me anyway.
So, back to the story. Very nice. I like how you made the connection between the cake and the cupcakes pre-Danny Fiasco.
*sigh* Although now I really really want a Red Velvet cake anda ll I have is yellow that is set aside for pinapple upside down cake my mother is planning but probably will never actually bake. But if I use it she'll yell at me anyway.
So, back to the story. Very nice. I like how you made the connection between the cake and the cupcakes pre-Danny Fiasco.
See, I've had Red Velvet cake once when I was like 7, so I don't even know what it tastes like.
Also, when I think of cupcakes and cute A/I moments it's always that scene that made me squee and want to cry at the same time.
I'm thrilled that you liked this! Thanks for the prompt!
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