(no subject)

Jan 31, 2008 13:33

Lost is on in a few hours and what am I doing? Taking one last crack at post Season 3 fic before everything changes once more.

In the meantime, tagged by

a. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
b. tag seven people to do the same
c. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"

1. I used to want to be a veternarian. That has now progressed to me being torn between med school or going into psychology/writing.

2. One of my biggest goals in life is to get on Big Brother. Which is very sad.

3. When I go into stores, especially craft stores, and things aren't where they are supposed to be (behind the wrong label, on the wrong shelf) I will rearrange them properly. I am extremely OCD about this.

4. For the first ten years of my life I refused to eat pizza with tomato sauce on it. Always white pizza. And while I've progressed pass that, I still hate all things tomato related. Except for hot sauce. That goes on everything.

5. When I was six my parents built a new shed in the backyard and left me in the house alone. I ended up spending my time mixing different foods and spices together (ones that should never be mixed). Because I was bored.

6. I am half-Jewish, half-Catholic, identify with neither (though more Jewish). Hence why we had latkes on Christmas Eve this year.

7. I hate kids. With a passion. But I used to help teach preschoolers at my old school on my days off, to help out my mom. And I was good at it.

I tag 

(If you don't want to you don't have to. I'm just tagging.)


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