(no subject)

Jan 23, 2008 21:57

Title: The Welcome Home You'll Never Recieve
Fandom: Lost
Word Count: 141
Rating: PG
Prompt: Homecoming for
Summary: He can only catch the headlines.

Monday morning, too much to drink the night before, and the television is too bright to look at directly.

He keeps the television on low volume. Doesn’t especially care about it, but finds the absolute silence that otherwise circulates his studio apartment too harsh, too grating.

It reminds him that he’s alone, and he’s been that way for awhile; probably will remain so in the foreseeable future.

He only catches the headlines. Celebrity DUIs and politicians badmouthing each other.

And then something less mainstream.

“The homecoming for the few survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, thought to be lost months ago, was a rough one.”

It’s all jumbled questions, and camera flashes that he can’t look at, and something in his gut twists.

His head is suddenly clear, sober.

His conscience is another story.

Michael can’t turn the television off fast enough.

fandom: lost, !fic, character: lost: michael, challenge: lostsquee

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