
Jan 16, 2008 15:29

While I write, or try to, here's a meme, or the meme that everyone else is doing.

Name a fandom and I'll tell you:

1. The first character I fell in love with:
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
5. The character I would shag ( Read more... )


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slybrunette January 16 2008, 21:12:32 UTC
I have a bunch of other ones that I didn't mention but they're small, so they wouldn't get asked.

1. The first character I fell in love with: Will.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Weiss.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Vaughn. Hated him.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: I always liked Sloan's evilness.
5. The character I would shag anytime: Sark. And Will.
6. The character I'd want to be like: Have you seen these people? Screwed up. Majorly. Although working for the CIA would be neat, so Sydney.
7. The character I'd slap: Vaughn.
8. A pairing that I love: Sydney/Will.
9. A pairing that I despise: Sydney/Vaughn.
10. Favorite character: Weiss.
11. What are your five favorite things about your fandom? All the cool tech gadgets. Gorgeous scenery on all the trips. The outfits. The whole back and forth thing they did with Sydney and Jack (I'm a sucker for father/daughter relationships, don't know why). Jen Garner.
12. What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? Seasons 4-5. The lack of Sark in the end. The disappearance of Will. The fact that the fandom is so deeply into S/V.
13. Who are your five favorite characters? Weiss, Will, Sark, Marshall, Lauren.
14. Who are your five least favorite characters? Vaughn. Never was into the whole Katya thing. Allison (the thing Francie turned into). Rachel. Thomas.
15. What are your five favorite pairings? Sydney/Will, Sydney/Sark, Lauren/Sark, Jack/Irina, Nadia/Weiss.
16. What are your five least favorite pairings? Sydney/Vaughn, Sloane/Irina, Will/Francie.
17. Which character are you most like? Not really any of them, but I can be geeky like Marshall, and manipulative like Lauren.
18. What is your deep, dark fandom secret? Uh, I hate the main pairing. That pretty much equals me being hated.


halfdutch January 16 2008, 21:23:13 UTC
Awww, I loved Will too! :) In fact, I think that's the only pairing I've read in the fandom! I really missed him when he wasn't on as much.

And god, LAUREN. She was the Ana Lucia of Alias, wasn't she?!


slybrunette January 16 2008, 21:24:44 UTC
I love, love, love Bradley Cooper! I actually managed to sit through Kitchen Confidential for him (and Nick Brendon)

She so was. Cept I didn't like Ana.


halfdutch January 16 2008, 21:29:08 UTC
Bradley Cooper. Those eyes! *sigh*

And oops, I misread your fave pairings, didn't realize you liked Lauren! Oops! For me, she was just as irksome as Ana! At least both got shot good and dead, at long last! *iz still bitter*


slybrunette January 16 2008, 21:29:59 UTC

A lot of people hate Lauren. I kind of liked her, but I get that people didn't like her.


elliotsmelliot January 16 2008, 22:03:06 UTC
Oh Will, I loved him too. He cemented my crush on Bradley Cooper. (I also watched Kitchen Confidential for him and Nicholas Brendon. Apparently Cooper has a deal with HBO for a new show - yay!) I really loved the first two seasons of Alias and then not so much...


slybrunette January 16 2008, 22:30:00 UTC
WOOT! Also, yay for HBO deal!!!


raisingirl99 January 17 2008, 00:53:24 UTC
I CANNOT STAND Vaughn, or S/V. I think some of my opinions are pretty similar to yours, except that I never liked Lauren and I adore all Derevkos. I'm definitely with you, though, when it comes to hating Vaughn and liking Syd/Will and Syd/Sark. (And shagging Will and Sark, hee.)

Love your icon, btw.


slybrunette January 17 2008, 20:00:58 UTC
Yay! I knew there had to be someone who didn't like Vaughn!!!


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