(no subject)

Nov 27, 2007 16:55

I was tagged by 

Seven Things That Scare You:
1. Spiders
2. Crickets
3. The very thought of tornados
4. Large, crowded areas (specifically food courts, I dunnon why)
5. Having my head underwater for too long (I can hold my water, it just freaks me out)
6. Bees
7. Being completely on my own

Seven Important Things In Your Room:
1. Bed
2. iPod
3. Writing notebooks
4. Jack and Kate figures (yes, I bought them)
5. CD's
6. Fuzzy slippers
7. Clock (it's broken but my dad made it so I've still got it, maybe he'll fix it)

Seven Random Facts About You:
1. I'm in my 3rd year of Latin
2. I have over 200+ pairs of earrings (my mom makes jewelry, hence that)
3. My hair used to be down to my knees until 6th grade when I cut it
4. I hate shopping but I go all the time because of other people
5. I've been writing fic of some sort since I was eleven (no you can't read it -- it sucked)
6. When I become obsessed with a song I tend to play it on a loop
7. I have an intense, obsessive love for holiday decorations (doesn't matter what holiday)

Seven Things You Plan To Do Before You Die:
1. Go to Australia
2. Live in Los Angeles for a while
3. Confront a certain someone who made my life a living hell (well, that would be two people actually)
4. Be a contestant on Big Brother US (and win :))
5. Get something published
6. Get a tattoo
7. Meet a celebrity that I idolize

Seven Things You Can Do:
1. Write (I am NOT modest, and I can put pen to paper, anyone can)
2. Hula-hoop
3. Math (as long as it's not Geometry related)
4. Snap my fingers
5. Make coffee
6. Act
7. Blow bubbles with my gum (I know it's annoying)

Seven Things You Cannot Do:
1. Sing (I will admit that)
2. Drive (can is not the operative word, shouldn't is)
3. Whistle
4. Art of any kind
5. Be frugal (I wait to spend my money, but when I do I spend a lot)
6. Handle pressure (not very well anyway)
7. Deal with other people's emotions too much at one time. I am emotionally stunted.

Seven Things On Someone That Catch Your Attention:
1. Arms
2. Eyes
3. Accent
4. Sense of humor
5. Tattoos
6. Hair
7. Smile

Seven Things You Say The Most:
1. Oh my God!
2. Seriously?
3. What?
4. How sad!
5. Whatever
6. These people!
7. I'm so done with you!

Seven Celebrity Crushes:
1. Matthew Fox
2. Justin Chambers
3. Eric Dane
4. Josh Holloway
5. James Marsters
6. Callum Blue
7. Dean Winters (Oz fans, you know what I'm talking about, how can you not)


I tag whoever wants to do it (cause I'm lame like that)


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