(no subject)

Nov 12, 2007 16:40

Title: Can't Stop These Lies From Leaving My Lips
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Kate/Sun
Prompt: Challenge #129 - Promise for
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kate is tired of making promises she knows she'll never keep.

Kate is tired of making promises she knows she’ll never keep.

I’m not going to run, that’s not me anymore (while she doesn’t take off to parts unknown she does learn to avoid Sun’s inquiries of what do we do next and she does spend an inordinate amount of time in bars flirting with guys she has no plans to sleep with - a more stay in one place kind of running from the relationship she’s in)

We’ll find a way to make this work (whispered against Sun’s collarbone; she thinks she’d say anything to keep feeling like this, she’d say anything to keep her here for now)

I’ll take care of the cops (this one she can’t be held responsible for -- it’s hard to think when you’re realizing this could be the end of your freedom; now there’s blood stained towels and another mess to clean up)

I’ll be back (extenuating circumstances on her lips, she slings her bag into the car and shuts the door; three months later and she’s still long gone)

She would stop if she didn’t already know that would mean the end of them. She’d stop if she wasn’t so afraid of being alone.

fandom: lost, !fic, challenge: femslash100, ship: lost: kate/sun

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