(no subject)

Oct 30, 2007 15:52

Title: The Bitter Exes Club
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Cristina/Callie
Prompt: #28 - Complain for
Word Count: 767
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up to 4.05 - Haunt You Every Day
Summary: Theirs is a friendship built entirely on the basis of complaints.

Theirs is a friendship built entirely on the basis of complaints. Cristina hates men. Callie hates men. Cristina was left at the altar. Callie’s husband cheated on her. Both kind of hate Izzie Stevens right now. Both have every reason to be complaining.

Somehow, at the time at least, coworkers to roommates seemed like natural progression, even if they hadn’t necessarily gotten along until very, very recently.

As odd a friendship as it was, as out of the blue as it was, it made sense. They had one thing in common that Cristina didn’t have with Meredith and Callie didn’t have with…well anyone. They were women scorned. And what did scorned women like to do? They like to complain about the horrible men who scorned them and they like to get revenge. Albeit the second one isn’t really an option for Cristina but should Callie ever decide to make George’s life an unbearable hell then Cristina will be living vicariously through her.

This is why they once spent an entire Thursday night watching getting-even-with-the-cheating-and-or-cowardly-asshole type movies, comparing their lives to those of the women who had just put their husband’s dead body in the trunk of their car or just tipped off customs that he was carrying any number of illegal drugs on him and, why yes, he should be arrested (and even though they hadn’t fallen asleep until three in the morning they’d both gone into work two hours later because the other thing they had in common was they were both that driven).

This is why they both burned their respective wedding attire without a second thought or a drop of liquor, watching the flames with the same self satisfaction that they might feel if it were Burke or George being engulfed by said flames.

This is why on the night that Callie signed the divorce papers they both celebrated her freedom at Joe’s with a fervor that drew any number of worried and just a bit scared looks from Meredith and Izzie and even George (the latter of the two remained unacknowledged by the both of them the entire night).

This is why the day Burke actually had the balls to call for God knows what reason Cristina never knew (and she never would) because Callie screened the call and took the phone off the hook (at this point he didn’t have the right to talk to her; he sent his mother to say goodbye for him for fuck’s sake).

This is why Callie got a little too comfortable around Cristina, so much so that Cristina had seen her naked body (or parts at a time) a few more times than she had expected (so basically more than zero, but, hey, Cristina was not complaining).

This is why Cristina said one night that if she had just stuck with women she wouldn’t be in this position, which prompted Callie to ask for back-story on that little slip, which prompted Cristina to inform her that, yes, she had slept with women before and, no, not recently (not since Seattle Grace anyway).

This is why Callie kissed her on the couch (and this time there was liquor involved) saying that she always wanted to try it, and Cristina was happy to help her experiment.

This is why Cristina set the boundary lines that kissing and the occasional groping did not equal dating, something which Callie was only too eager to agree to because dating and relationships and labels just make a good, easy thing way too complex.

This is why she allowed Callie to slip between the sheets with her (like she could stop her even if she wanted to) and not five minutes later make a royal mess of them, due in part to twisting bodies and very, very adept fingers (and right there, God yes).

This is why there was no deep, meaningful pillow talk the next morning, just the normal offering of coffee (yes) and a ride (no) before they both went off to the hospital, where they ran into each other a total of two times, the second purely to roll their eyes at the semi-creepy relationship that was George and Izzie.

This is why, even though Callie still climbed in bed with her every so often, there is no talk of ‘what does this mean’ or even ‘where is this going’, just soft moans and satisfied sighs (they figure out what each other likes fairly quickly, after that it’s about getting inventive and trying to outdo the other).

They’re women scorned. They hate men. This just happened to be their solution.

ship: ga: callie/cristina, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, table: 100_situations

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