Title: Authority Figure
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Kate centric, various pairings including Jack/Kate, and Kate/Sayid.
Prompt: Kinks and quirks for
gemjamWord Count: 607
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kate's always had a thing for authority.
Kate’s always had a thing for authority.
It’s not hard to figure out if you look at her track record. The best friend who turned into something more was a doctor. Her husband was a cop.
It goes further than that, deeper than that.
After she’d left Kevin, when she was exhausted and looking for a way out of this mess she’d gotten herself into, she’d entertained the thought of setting her sights on the one person who seemed to want to bring her down the most. Part of her thought that perhaps if she got involved with him, if she could make him feel something towards her, she could convince him to stop chasing her, to just leave her alone. But there was always another part that was intrigued by the thought of having that power over him, of having authority under her thumb instead of continually being at its mercy.
Wayne was always the authority when she was a kid. And it wasn’t just her that he seemed to rule over, it was her mother too. Too many tears shed, too many black eyes, and she had promised herself that no one would ever hold that kind of power over her again.
She killed Wayne. But she didn’t get anything out of that but a lifetime of pain, and a lifetime of running, always having to look over her shoulder wherever she went. She didn’t get her independence, her freedom. Power was just simply transferred.
With Edward Mars, her plan was to play his emotions against him. She wasn’t going to kill him. She’d learned that lesson; death solved nothing. And it worked for awhile, she could see cracks, he was starting to fall for her games. But he figured her out too quick, and when he did he was just that much more dead set on making sure she was brought to justice. At least that’s what he called it.
But he was dead and buried now, and she’d never have to run from him again.
Enter Jack.
This was a different kind of attraction though. This wasn’t all about using him to get what she wanted. She genuinely cared about him. It just happened to work out that way. Everyone trusted him, his word was as good as gold, and he could get what he wanted. Then she tricked him one time too many, lied to him too often in a desperate attempt to hide a part of her that she wasn’t proud of, and ran when he got too close, when too much of her heart was at stake.
And now she’s here. And now she’s got a whole other problem. This one involving Sayid.
Because they’ve been friends to some degree since they landed here, and she was focused on Jack and Sawyer, and he had Shannon. Now Shannon’s dead, Jack is kissing Juliet right in front of her, and her conversations with Sawyer have dissolved into childish moves like splashing him with water to get his attention. And suddenly Sayid is looking more like an option.
Her obsession, and her need for, authority is what is attracting her to him. She knows this. She also knows that it’s not right. That entering into, or even trying to enter into, anything with him would be unfair because she would be using him. Not that she thinks Sayid would be someone who would let himself get used. He isn’t stupid. Like the Marshal, he would figure her out. She’d rather have someone left on her side then give in.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t think about what might happen if she did.