
Aug 05, 2007 19:15

Title: Play Your Games
Fandom: Lost/Oz
Characters/Pairings: Shannon Rutherford/Ryan O'Reily, Boone
Prompt: #07 - Prove It for
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character: oz: ryan, table: un_love_you, fandom: lost, !fic, character: lost: shannon, fandom: oz, challenge: lostsquee

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ladybeth August 9 2007, 22:43:40 UTC
*blink* Apparently I hadn't read this before. Sounds good, and I like Ryan though I know nothing about him. And Boone is great:)


slybrunette August 10 2007, 00:28:22 UTC
Well I'm glad you did :)

Ryan's the guy in the icon btw. This is all pre-show for Oz, but on the show he's kind of the master manipulator of the prison.

Glad you liked Boone, I love writing him. I miss him and Shan.

Thanks for reading!


ladybeth August 10 2007, 00:51:54 UTC
hmm..interesting. if it's ever on and I catch it, I'll have to watch it.

Boone was one of my favorites, Shannon too, which is probably a reason they got killed off;)


slybrunette August 10 2007, 01:12:49 UTC
It used to re-air on HBO but they've stopped since. And it's not something i'd watch anywhere near family members, it's um...graphic.

Yeah. I always lose my favorites too.


ladybeth August 10 2007, 01:18:41 UTC
Darn. Then maybe I won't watch it since it's not often I get the TV without the family and I use that to watch X-files and other shows my family doesn't like to watch.

It seems to be a curse with me. The character either dies, gets written off the show or the show itself gets canceled. Like the Gaurdian, and Angel...both canceled soon after I started watching.


slybrunette August 10 2007, 01:21:10 UTC
Yeah, it's something I have to avoid watching with my father around. The language, and other assorted things. This is the slash fandom I spoke of ealier.

We have the same curse then, unfortunately.


ladybeth August 10 2007, 01:35:20 UTC
*blink* I'm just trying to imagine my father watching....

Wonder if there is a cure for this curse.


slybrunette August 10 2007, 01:52:54 UTC
I don't think it would be pretty.

There isn't. It's incurable.


ladybeth August 10 2007, 01:57:19 UTC
No, I don't think. He has trouble with Scrubs.

Sad. Wish there was.


slybrunette August 10 2007, 02:13:02 UTC
Scrubs? Seriously? There's no slash (although I slash it, but so not the point).


ladybeth August 10 2007, 02:16:20 UTC
Yes, Scrubs. I forget what it was but he considers it "nasty" and unacceptable.

Well, there are the jokes about JD/Turk being a couple, but that's not true slash

You know, I found out that apparently the term (fem)slash is to be used for pairings that are m/m or f/f that do not appear in cannon. I always thought it meant any pairing that wasn't het but apparently I was wrong. *shrugs*


slybrunette August 10 2007, 02:22:13 UTC
JD/Turk is just jokes though, lol. At least my dad likes that show.

Hm, that's a different definition then I heard. I thought it was just all same-sex couplings. Guess I was wrong.


ladybeth August 10 2007, 02:26:23 UTC
I know. On Scrubs I tend to ship JD/Eliot and COx/Jordon (those two are perfect for each other) at the moment. Both are unrelated to this conversation, but I thought I would add that.

My parents are odd. They call themselves "homo-disgusted". I'll probably never understand them and it's probably the same reason they didn't get into Greek like I did.

God knows what they'd do if they found out I wrote a slash fic, and have a couple of fics that had implied slash.

Yeah, I only found out a while ago that was the offical term defination. I still use slash for any pairing that is same sex. I figure if all Het pairings, reguardless of cannon-ality, have the same reference, slash pairings should have the same.

But that's just me.


slybrunette August 10 2007, 02:31:32 UTC
I ship those too, although I do slash occassionally. Depends on my mood. I'm versatile.

My dad would kill me if he found out I write slash, so I know what you mean, although my mom knows and doesn't care.

And I can't see myself not using slash to mean same sex, regardless of canon.


ladybeth August 10 2007, 02:39:57 UTC
My mom doesn't read my stuff. I wouldn't want her to. I had trouble enough when I once left my LJ up and my mom read an entry by a friend of both my sister and I who was a lesbian. She wasn't too happy about that. She doesn't like us spending any time at the girls house now without the other sibling there.

Granted, she refers to my fanfic as smut because she thinks that is all that I read (although I have to amit alot of my fanfic does have people implying sex at least) and therefore must write. She says it jokingly but it gets on my nerves.

What else would you use to refer to them other then slash? Homo just doesn't sound right and seems kinda insutling really to me. My sister, mom and I just had a discussion about terms like that and words like 'Dike' (whcih my sister has banned from use in the house)


slybrunette August 10 2007, 02:42:01 UTC
Well she doesn't read anything but what I let her read. And my best friend is bisexual, which my mom knows, but my dad doesn't, and if he did he would probably ban her from the house.

Homo sounds wrong. Slash is just better all around.


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