(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 16:24

Tagged by 
uhzoomzip and

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

1. I went to private school until I was twelve, and therefore had NO friends when I first went to public middle school (I was a sad child).

2. Teachers confuse me and my best friend, often handing back papers and tests to the wrong one when we have the same classes. As a result we just tell people we're cousins.

3. I was almost named Jennifer.

4. I brush my teeth in the shower.

5. I keep six lists for fic (by title, by song used for inspiration, by character, by pairing, by fandom, by claim), and am meticulous about keeping them up to date.

6. At school, I am frequently known by some of my more classless peers as "that girl who writes/reads gay porn". The maturity level is amazing.

7. I once spent an entire 90-minute Phys. Ed period being told by one of my guy friends how horses fucked. I swear he was seconds away from diagrams.


List seven songs you are into right now. no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your summer. Post these instructions in your LJ along with your 7 songs. Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.

1. Forever - Papa Roach
I found this on a fanmix I was listening to and instantely fell in love with it.

2. Misery Business - Paramore
Yes, I know, it's very pop-like, but I do love some of the lyrics. I'm flawed, okay.

3. Ruby - Kaiser Chefs
This was recommended on one of the comms I belong to, and though I know I've heard it somewhere I can't quite pinpoint where. Regardless, it's got a nice beat to it.

4. Valentine's Day - Linkin Park
This is really kind of moody, and it took me a few times to realize what it was about. Surprisingly I like their new sound.

5. Don't Leave Home - Dido
Those freaking movie trailers that have been using this song (one of them has Anne Hathaway in it but I can't remember what it's called) and so I got it stuck in my head.

6. Innocent - Our Lady Peace
There's something about the second verse to this that really gets in my head, and under my skin.

7. Me And The Moon - Something Corporate
I can't really tell you all of what I like about this song, I just know it's been on my playlist a lot recently.

memes, music

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