(no subject)

Aug 01, 2007 20:58

Title: Reversal
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Sawyer (implied)
Prompt: First Times for
Word Count: 382
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The first time he sees Jack, he's going through someone's luggage.

The first time he sees Jack, he’s going through someone’s luggage. Someone’s beat him to it, he thinks initially. It hasn’t even been an hour since the crash, and already the shock has worn off and he’s thinking of ways to survive here, and those ways involve stockpiling shit so people have to come to him. Apparently someone else had the very same idea.

Except, that’s not it at all, as he watches the man pull what looks to be a small sewing kit out of the bag in front of him, before closing it up. When he stands up there’s the slightest hesitation, his only tell, and then he straightens. Sawyer can see the ripped material of his suit jacket; it’s not hard to put two and two together.

That’s when he remembers him from the chaos that was the direct aftermath of the crash, brief flashes of him anyway. He has to wonder about a man whose been running around nearly getting himself killed, helping everyone but himself. It’s pretty damn stupid, risking your own ass for people who probably wouldn’t return the favor if the situation was reversed. People who won’t even think twice about it after rescue comes. It’s also pretty damn selfless.

Sawyer can tell already that there’s going to be trouble between the two of them. He can tell just by looking at the man that he seems to think he’s got the weight of the world on his shoulders and that while he’s at it he might as well just save everybody in it. A god-complex of sorts. He’s got experience with people like him, people obsessed with control, and it’s never been good.

He’s almost relieved when the man disappears past the tree line that separates the sand from dirt, after one last look around. Some sadistic part of him thinks that maybe the man will lose his way back, then maybe he won’t have to put up with this hero bullshit.

Fast forward two and a half months later to find Jack walking out of that same jungle, and up that same beach, after a prolonged stay with the Others, a stay Sawyer wasn't sure he was coming back from. It’s still relief Sawyer feels, but this time it’s for the opposite reason.

ship: lost: jack/sawyer, fandom: lost, !fic, challenge: lostsquee

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