
Jul 11, 2007 16:03

Title: Connection
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Claire/Liam, mentions of Claire/Charlie
Prompt: #25 - You Remind Me Of Someone for
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table: un_love_you, fandom: lost, ship: lost: liam/claire, !fic

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ladybeth July 13 2007, 05:39:42 UTC
Another great Charlie/Claire story. I have a feeling Charlie wouldn't have minded too much...His brother is doing what he couldn't and taking care of Claire and Aaron. Well, I assuming there but still. It sounds like they are at least dating.

*blink* You don't like Charlie/Claire? Didn't know that.


slybrunette July 13 2007, 13:39:12 UTC
They are technically together in this story. And yes, Liam is doing what he can, so you have the right idea there.

You don't like Charlie/Claire? Didn't know that.

Did you see that in the comments? You've got me. The way they did it on the show pissed me off in Season 2 and so I jumped ship. Mostly it's because I don't really like Claire (I write her to deal with my issues). But since that apparently doesn't affect my writing I don't really worry about what ships I like or dislike. I can be impartial with that. Just like there's some Charlie/Claire that I read and genuinely like.

Thanks for reading!


ladybeth July 13 2007, 13:50:27 UTC

Yeah, I saw the comment:) I can't really say anything either way because I've seen the first couple of episodes, and that was it. So I have no idea what happened in season 2 (it could have made me jump ship as well). All I know is it was the only ship that jumped out at me when I was watching. For some reason the Kate Triangle doesn't do anything for me.


slybrunette July 13 2007, 14:12:39 UTC
The first couple of episodes were great, but Season 2 they kept breaking them up and placing the blame on him and I got very tired of that, so I was just done. Plus it got very fluffy. I'm trying not to use lots of spoilers here, can't you tell.

Me, I'm usually all about the triangle, because I like Jack and Sawyer, but lately I've been straying. As you can see.


ladybeth July 13 2007, 14:21:32 UTC
Ah, I can understand that. It sounded like they really rung Charlie's character through the ringer. I keep hearing stories of him going through various things and they finally did what they did last season (if if we want to remain spoiler-free).

I can remember reading in an interview that the writers had promised that Charlie would be the one character they wouldn't kill off. Obviously they didn't keep that promise. Unless they have some way of bringing him back that's not totally cheesy.


slybrunette July 13 2007, 14:35:19 UTC
They did. Charlie went through hell and back last year.

Here's the issue. J.J. Abrams, the show's creator, had promised Charlie wouldn't be killed off. J.J. no longer runs the show, that responsibility falls on Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse (Demonhead, and CarlDick as some fans call them). They don't really seem to care what J.J. was doing in the first place, they want to do what they want. So in my opinion that's what happened with that promise.


ladybeth July 13 2007, 14:39:27 UTC
Ah. That makes sense. Why did the show shift to them?

If they aren't careful, the show is going to loose interest and they'll be canceled...stated ending or not.


slybrunette July 13 2007, 21:18:31 UTC
Because J.J. had to direct MI3 and then did other projects.

Actually they can't cancel the show, because that violates the contract, and I believe the producers could sue for damages.


ladybeth July 13 2007, 21:28:08 UTC
Ah. Poor man, having to work with Tom Cruise. (I don't particulary have a high opinon on T.C.)

Ah. Hmm. Wonder how they got that. *shrugs* It matters little to me as I won't be watching the show till closer to the end of it.


slybrunette July 14 2007, 01:02:42 UTC
You and me both. I hate T.C. as much as anyone.

I'm not sure how that whole contract thing works. Just what I've heard. Should be fun when you start watching if you dislike the triangle though. It's everpresent.


ladybeth July 14 2007, 01:04:50 UTC
I saw him in Cocktail first and ever sense can't stand him. The last couple of years have only added to the fact.

Well, oddly enough I have this feeling that sawyer will die and Jack and Kate won't get together anyway. Just the random thought I have about it at the moment. It's goingt o be awhile before I start watching again.


slybrunette July 14 2007, 01:07:35 UTC
I didn't mind him way back then. But he seems to have gotten worse since then.

Well, oddly enough I have this feeling that sawyer will die and Jack and Kate won't get together anyway.

Are you spoiled for this show? lol. I don't think the producers/writers have the balls to kill him off personally though.


ladybeth July 14 2007, 01:09:43 UTC
Well, I didn't like that particular movie and really haven't liked anything he was in except for two movies, and the one he gets cut up, burned, drowned and various other things done to him.

I'm am but I'm not. I'm not particularly against spoilers for Lost. The only program I was trying to remain spoiler free about was Greys and that got blown out of the water when I started to care less.


slybrunette July 14 2007, 01:13:11 UTC
Ah, so it's fun to watch him get tortured. I agree.

I'm a walking talking spoiler for ALL my shows at this point, so half the time I blurt things out, so I had to ask, and you know check. Because what you said before sounded like a few theories floating around.


ladybeth July 14 2007, 01:24:46 UTC
Yep. My one friend got me Interview with a Vampire for Christmas and it made me laugh because everyone knew I hated him. I figured it was meant to be a gift to laugh at but apparently she thought I actually liked him. I told her I liked the movie because you see him die several times. I'm just said he is still alive at the end.

I don't mind spoilers at all most of the time. Everyonce and awhile I'll try to go spoiler free but I can't resist them. Especially with shows that air elsewhere first.

Random question...have you ever heard of the ABC series "Greek"?


slybrunette July 14 2007, 01:28:03 UTC
You know what the sad thing is? I have never seen Interview With A Vampire.

I don't even bother trying to resist. It never works.

And isn't that the show with the brother and sister and the college thing?


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