(no subject)

Jun 22, 2007 21:06

Best part of being out of school? Getting to sleep in, wake up late, and watch Oz. Oh, how I've missed that show.

Due to the encouragement by 
jenthegypsy and
pellamerethiel there will be a prequel to Better. I made the decision that a prequel that explained things might be better than trying to clean everything up in a sequel, but still would be a break from all the angst of my last fic. So there's that.

Photoshop is being a bitch, and refuses to work for me, so I'm done with that for the week I believe.

You know this whole Isaiah thing is really getting on my nerves, and at the same time I can totally understand where he's coming from, and I'm kind of...having a hard time believing that T.R. is completely the victim here. Because a lot of what IW is saying is making some sense. I hate that.

And also, to all my friends who seem to be having hard times right now (you know who you guys are because I've talked to pretty in-depth this week): *hugs*

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