Life has given me a shit ton of lemons, and frankly I'm sick of making lemonade.

Feb 08, 2008 08:07

Ok, so as in fashion lately, I am updating because I can't sleep. And I can't sleep because I'm frustrated. So, I am warning those who read my blog to keep up on what's going on in my life, this one is not going to be full of puppies and sunshine, but that's the way life goes.

Let's start out with my job. It used to be a great atmosphere, wonderful place to learn, provide me with adequate hours and treat me with respect. So far, all of those qualities have turned to shit. My bosses, who happen to be married are having issues which had caused them to argue in front of patients and ruin the reputation of our clinic that I tried so hard to uphold in one foul swoop.
My female boss is gone for weeks, tells us she's not coming back and then a day later, she will be back the next Monday. I never see her and when I do, she always disappears before I get to ask her if she's proofread the website for the clinic that Matt has been working his ass off to finish. She's the one who tells me in a meeting that I need to set my personal life aside and be more focused at work and doesn't even have the decency to lead by example. She works on choosing which family pictures she wants- all day, calls her friends and family, and even brings her son's presents to work and has her employees wrap them. I'm tired of receiving hypocritical constructive criticism.
As for my male boss, he is constantly distracted while he's working- I should know as I also get therapy there, and he has been short of temper with the staff. I haven't worked a full week since before the holidays as I keep getting hurt and sent home like an invalid for two or three days at a time. This, as you can imagine does nothing for my dwindling hours and increasing debt. I find it hard to believe that they keep sending me home for a sprained ankle because it's safer for me and the patients, when a year ago I was working for months on crutches doing the same job and not being able to put any weight on my leg. And I'm sent home even after they've talked to me about wanting to hire a full time receptionist so that our current one can focus on billing. As far as I know, my arms and mouth are still functional and able to do office work. Frustrating.
Which brings me to the third installment of PT techs, Donna. Now, since day one, we have been lectured about the importance of communication, and yet I find myself always out of the loop when it comes to what's going on around the office. All of a sudden, my boss is showing this woman around the clinic and tells me, oh, by the way, Donna is going to help us out and be another PT tech. Way to give me a heads up. So now we hire this woman who has been doing the job for 35 years, at the end of summer when business tends to die off and she inevitably takes both Kari and my hours to support her 40 hour a week work schedule. The worst part of it all is that I get complaints from patients about her treatment of them and have seen no improvement, discipline or attempt at resolving the problem. So this woman gets what remaining hours I had and does a worse job. Fair? I think not. I even had to get another job to try and help with my bills. And it's not like there aren't times that I can't work because of classes. Kari and my schedule line up perfectly so that when I'm in classes, she's not and vice versa.
Sadly, I've been thinking of looking for another job, since with this one, I am unable to pick out the light at the end of the tunnel. I have been also debating on whether or not to go to therapy today, as I usually go and get my own weights and set up machines and everything else that they are trying to keep me from doing by sending me home- and I'm not going to get paid for it. I think I will go, but let them know that if they don't think that I'm capable to do my job in a working setting, then I refuse to do it on my own time.
As for the injuries, I have sprained my ankle three times in the past two weeks. The first one occurred during advanced snowboarding class when I landed a jump wrong, caught the edge in the snow and had my bone up near my head with my ankle twisting accordingly. The second occurred three days ago at work while I was walking down the hallway. My right ankle folded under me, my left went out to catch myself and promptly rolled the other direction spraining it on the other side. I felt like I had to keep quiet otherwise they would have sent me home keeping me from working the pathetic 2.5 hours that I had earned that day. The third and worst sprain occurred on campus 15 minutes before campus had officially closed. I was walking back to my car after working at the organic chemistry lab that I help teach (as my other job) and slipped and fell on the unplowed sidewalk. I don't even know which way my ankle turned but I remember that I ended up on my back screaming and crying from pain. I was trying to get up when I noticed a woman running towards me. I found out later that she is a Physical Therapy professor and a person in the lab saw me fall and she had seen me struggling to get up. They had to carry me to the door, which was prematurely locked, because I could not put any weight on it due to severe pain. They got me a wheelchair and then helped me to my car. I drove to my therapy appointment crying mostly out of extreme frustration, as I had been healing nicely before that and the swelling had decreased a lot.
The next day I drove down that morning to Lansing (under the scariest driving conditions I have ever seen- ie. unplowed highways) as I originally had an appointment for my knee. They took x-rays to make sure it wasn't broken and ordered a CAT scan for next week for my knee to figure out if it's tracking wrong. I can't get a contrast because my tuberculosis medicine makes me allergic to random types of shellfish. So, my parents have been giving me shit about using their insurance card for medical stuff, even though we have excellent coverage and everything but the $10 copay (which I pay for out of pocket) is covered. They get stressed out when they get the EOB's explaining how much the treatments were that the insurance had covered 100%. They have heard that under the upcoming insurance contract, everyone's medical expenses will be looked into and rates for each person will be based on that history. So I don't even know if they'll let me have the CAT scan now. Because if they find something, I go talk to a surgeon, and if they don't find anything, I go talk to a surgeon. So, because my parents are ridiculous, I might not get the treatment I need and will continue to live in pain and not be able to do the things that normal 23 year olds should be able to do. And on top of that, they tell me that I'm not being tough enough and need to suck it up, because everybody lives with pain. I know that not everyone has parents who are completely unsupportive and a pain in the ass.
Also, my apartment complex kept to their standards of not plowing the parking lot until 3 or 4 in the afternoon and not snowblowing the sidewalks until late last night or early this morning. I'd have to say that the environment, including our stairs that don't have railings, is not conducive to a sprained ankle, and I plan to call them this morning and tell them so.
Well, I'm off to start my work-free day. Hopefully it'll be a good day for once because I've been desperately waiting for my luck to change.
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