I can barely contain myself these days. I just want to go and kill
those bitches. Because they have to die. And I have to kill them. I'm such an idiot. The truth to my craziness and depression was all right in front of me. In front of me the entire time.
They have to die.
I have surpassed the others. Those poor souls. The ones from my other dreams. The dreams that happened before Buffy and Faith were ever even born. I saw guys go crazy. For the longest time, I thought it was my destiny to die crazy too...just like the ones before me. But oh no...I'm way too smart for that. I'll finish my mission.
They have to die.
I'll kill the slayers and anyone else I can. I refuse to go crazy. Refuse. Refuse. Refuse. Nope...not me. Dumb bitches!
They have to die.
My next plan is to wait...like a lion preying in the bushes, waiting to attack...waiting for it's kill. Only I'll prepare while I wait. Need to contact someone soon to help with things. To help me find what I am looking for. So...when the time comes, I can watch the slayers bleed. And I'll wash my hands in their blood.