Hump this, Wednesday

Jul 09, 2014 10:48

Motivate me, intertubes.

I am having a quiet week at work. I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, after my busy month. I do get to catch up on things, but they're all the things I was glad of an excuse to avoid doing during June.

And there's the other thing. A couple of you might not know that I've just enrolled in a psychology degree via Swinburne Online. Term started on Monday. I got my enrollment Friday and spent a weekend desperately trying to do all the orientation stuff and getting accounts sorted. Finally got that finished last night, which means tonight I start swotting for real. I'm immensely excited, along with the crazy fear and lack of confidence. But on a suddenly quiet week, with a New Thing To Do, I'm spending my day at work wishing it was 5 so I can go home and study. I'd like one of the meatier jobs to crop up to get me through a couple of hours. And then - study! Wooo! I'm doing introductory units in sociology and online communication, but I also have the stats unit straight up and that's gonna be Fun :D

I'm learnding. Hear me roar.
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