James Sunderland Presents: Nerd Dump, Vol. 1

Jul 14, 2011 12:39

An assortment of sims I'd been wanting to post someplace or another, but had never gotten around to until now. Accessory meshes and binned facial hairs have all been included, since Bodyshop is a bit of a cock when it comes to packaging those (though I've posted CC-free versions as well). I've also added aspiration and personality stats since I was told some people may be interested in having those too.

The diversity of my creations is truly staggering, isn't it? [/sarcasm]

Aspiration: Popularity/Pleasure

Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 4
Playful: 7
Nice: 6

CC List|Download (With CC)|Download (No CC)

Aspiration: Knowledge/Fortune

Neat: 6
Outgoing: 7
Active: 3
Playful: 2
Nice: 7

CC List|Download (With CC)|Download (No CC)

Aspiration: Knowledge/Family

Neat: 7
Outgoing: 1
Active: 5
Playful: 4
Nice: 8

CC List|Download (With CC)|Download (No CC)

(My GoS Good Genes challenge result)
Aspiration: Knowledge/Romance

Neat: 6
Outgoing: 4
Active: 6
Playful: 4
Nice: 5

CC List|Download (With CC)|Download (No CC)

Aspiration: Fortune/Popularity

Neat: 9
Outgoing: 6
Active: 5
Playful: 3
Nice: 2

CC List|Download (With CC)|Download (No CC)

Aspiration: Pleasure/Romance

Neat: 4
Outgoing: 7
Active: 4
Playful: 8
Nice: 2

CC List|Download (With CC)|Download (No CC)

Other sims I've made can be downloaded here and here from GoS. I think these will now be fair game on Pixel Trade as well? I'm hoping so, at least.

And with that, hopefully some people will enjoy putting them to use. Do whatever you wish except claiming them as your own, blah blah etc.


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