Oct 22, 2005 19:44
it's saturday night, i'm sitting with my parents doing nothing. although the first part of the day was not very productive. i did however manage to clean the kitchen in a wicked way, almost finish cleaning the living room, drink beer AND make cookies! i'm a modern house bitch!
i'm excited because i don't have a headache and it's a beautiful feeling :D
damion is hanging out with his friend joe and that obviously means he isn't home. i have to go get the laptop to see if my dad can get it to connect. i hope to god it doesn't have to be reformatted because that will make me cry. i don't have enough cdrs to back up all my shit uughh even thinking about reformatting scares the beejesus out of me. anyway, i'm off to be a loser at home. bye bye now
also, does anybody know what awesome event is in like a day and a half?!!