Apr 03, 2007 09:29
I woke up at 7am this morning to go to the hospital...
...for a check up.
Sorry, I thought the LJ could use some spicing up. That was about as shocking as this entry is going to get, I'm afraid. But that' s OK, I don't need any more shock and awe in my diet.
One thing to be in awe of: this is my LAST QUARTER AT UCI!! oMg. I'm taking 12 units, which has been the average for me my senior year, and two of them are just for fun. I only need to finish this last Lit. J. workshop and then I'm done done done!
My dominatrix Lit J. piece was nominated by my teacher last quarter to be posted on the UCI Literary Journalism homepage website, which would be cool if it happened. I've been nominated before, but it wasn't for work I did in a workshop, so we'll see if this goes farther since it's a longer, more polished piece. Only a few works are nominated every quarter, so it's always an honor to be considered.
I'm happy with my classes this quarter. I'm finally taking a class taught by Barry Siegel, the head of the Lit. J. department and Pulitzer Prize winner. I'm taking a sociology class and the teacher seems funny and like she could teach an interesting class. Spanish 15 advanced conversation seems like it will be fun, since we're all nervous about oral presentations and talking so much in Spanish with our peers. It's a small group so we'll get to know each other pretty well, and they all seem nice.
Waiting to hear back from some internships I applied to I should hear back by the end of this week either way. I'm being pursued by a medical software engineering company about a job as an editor/technical writer. That is my only pretty much sure thing, and I only say "sure thing" because they have been in close contact and are really going out of their way to get information about me and hire me. We'll see how this goes, but hopefully either way I'll have a job/internship lined up for me by June.