12 years later...

Sep 05, 2023 01:03

It's been just about 12 years to the day since my last post written with such thrill, enthusiasm, optimism and gratitude in a hotel room in the Copthorne KL, while on a shoot.... and I just remembered about this page recently. I never killed it, perhaps thinking one day, I may just revisit my youth.

It's been just about 12 years to the day since my last post written with such thrill, enthusiasm, optimism and gratitude in a hotel room in the Copthorne KL, while on a shoot.... and I just remembered got reminded about this page recently. I never killed it, perhaps thinking one day, I may just revisit my youth.

Here's the gist of the last 12 years.

Guess what.

Sorry to say, the directing thing did not work out the way I dreamed it would.

It's unspectacular.

There was no big hit original TV drama series that went on for multiple seasons, there was no feature film, there's no awards or accolades.

It was nothing great. Nothing stellar. No talk of the town. I am not an executive calling the shots and closing the deals.

But it was consistent to say the least, with shows that more often than not, people just didn't care about very much.

That's still what many would hope to be able to say after 12 years.

It crossed roads with mostly acquaintances and very few actual friends. That's to be expected.

It had many struggles, many lull periods, including a period of driving Uber in secret so no one knew. (not dissing the job). That's doing what was necessary at that point in time.

But... I tried hard.

It got me enough to pay for my flat.

It got me enough to raise my family so far... and that's all that matters most in the last 12 years since.

I have a family of 4 now. Nothing else matters, for there's nothing else more important.

It's everything I'll ever need, and it's here right in front of me.

This is where I'm supposed to be.

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