EBSCO hotness

Nov 10, 2008 15:39

LOL! That's such a funny cat picture. She looks like she just woke up and is ready for someone to pat her.

The interview with EBSCO publishing went well but they will not budge on $$ and benefits won't kick until 91 days... It also wouldn't combine my hobby of film/television editing etc. I really enjoyed the interview and the company though.

Right after the interview, I called this Kaspersky Labs job and they have EXCELLENT benefits, are offering a $2,000 increase in what I was making at my last job, are in Woburn and want to start incorporating multi-media (the fom/television editing I would like to be my career) into their company, oh and they have free coffee and soda and are not a start up but very successful.

So I will interview there on Thursday and knock off their socks...which leaves me free to ask out the manager from EBSCO publishing who interviewed me today... haha You can't date your boss right?! ;-) Picture John from the club but a little older and more personable.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:11 AM, Morales, Gracia wrote:

how was the interview?

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