The Train Man

Jun 01, 2007 22:13

I've been hearing about Train Man for a while. Apparently in Japan, the story really happened. A geeky otaku guy (who they nicknamed "Densha Otoko," or "Train Man") met this woman on a train when he defended her from some loser asshole, and he really liked her, but he didn't know a damn thing about how to win her over. So he went home and spilled his story on a message board, simply to get it off his chest. His case took off. He recieved advice from everyone and the threads went on and on. People were supportive and they got into it. They helped the otaku get the girl. I thought it was interesting, but I figured it wasn't my thing. I mean, it sounds overdone already.

Then I went to Borders and got sucked in. The story spawned at least three different manga versions. Two of them are filed under T, for Train Man, and that's also where the book is that actually contains the entire record of the real online threads. What people commented, what the Train Man typed back. But my favorite manga version was under D and is just called Densha Otoko. I read the entire fist volume, because it was absolutely HYSTERICAL. I don't think I've ever truly bursted out laughing in the middle of a Borders. (I usually have more restraint than that.) This old lady near me in the Romance section clearly thought I'd lost it, reading a backwards book and cackling like a mad fool...

But if people are looking for something uplifting to read, I say check out Densha Otoko. The main character is a very sweet guy, worrying like hell and getting nervous about wooing this girl when he's clearly a humongous geek. You can't help but root for him, because he always seems so relieved and grateful when something goes well for him. The online posts and conversations are kept realistic, too, the way they use slang and little smiley faces and stuff. It's not romantic and girly or over-idealized, so I think either gender would get a kick out of it and be able to relate. It's hard to believe until you pick up the manga and read it. But honestly - THREE different versions of the tale! You figure it must have been an amazing chain of events, or some little miracle to make that happen. It is. It really is. It's a damn good story.

I'm pretty sure there's a live action movie too, and a TV series (with different actors). Whoa. Train Man explosion! When was the last time something like this took off? With so many variations, everyone can choose how they want their dose. All I can vouch for is the Densha Otoko manga though - not sure how good the other incarnations are. But it's totally worth looking into, IMO.
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