Aug 23, 2006 23:37
Are you fucking kidding meee.... I just typed this whole entry... and accidently hit some button, so it went back and deleted everything I had. Okay... so STARTING over.
So today basically fell into two categories, superfantastic, or shit.
I woke up, saw the clock, 9:47. So I kinda panicked because moms surgery was scheduled for 6, which would make her in surgery now. Went downstairs and said goodmorning to my grandparents. I got a nod from grandma and Poppy didn't acknowledge me since he was watching tv. And they didnt even leave me any coffeee.... bitchessss
^ shit
Anne called to take Kenon and I to the portsmouth pool and save us, so Kenon drove us there and we hung out at the pool for about an hour. There were no cute guys, which was a shame, but the pool was nice. We went to Fat Bellys after that for something to eat because we were all wickedddd hungry. So we got sweet potato fries and buffalo wings. i swear to god, that place is my favorite restauraunt. Then we hit up Breaking New Grounds for some mocha frappes afterwards.
^ superfantastic
Dad called, he said they'd had to postpone moms surgery, so she actually wasnt up till 12:30... *starts worrying cycle all over again*
^ shit
Carleton picked me and Jen up so we could go to Haleys house for the evening. We had such an awesome time. Mrs Farrar went to three different grocery stores just to get bugles for us just cuz she knows they're my favorite. We went out for chinese, and the people there fill your water glass like, every time you take a sip. Haley and I each had like, 349580934580935 cups of tea with 93458093458093580395830958035 sugar packets in each of them, so we were wired. We walked to the playground to go swinging, and Haley took this awesome action shot of me jumping off the swingset with her camera. Then we bought some candy cifarettes and basically hung out for awile.
^ superfantastic
We had to walk bask, since it was getting dark out. Walked through a bunch of stoner kids since that was the only way to go. It was seriously like, a freaking mob. So we tried not to get mugged and try not to look any of them in the eyes. They were all pretty sketch... then two of them started following us...?
^ shit
We walked through this other group of kids who it seemed like were getting out of a driverd ed class. We walk past a couple of the kids, and i hear one of them say "Hey, its you! From Winnacunnet!" and I turned around, and it was the kid from my first trimester freshman art class, the one who sat across from me. And I was like "Hi!" cuz I couldn't believe that jhe remembered me, since I havent seen him since then. He had grown his hair out and it looked really good. He was the one who asked me to dance that one time, and he was really nice, I think his name was Chris. So we stopped to talk for a minute. It made me happy that I havent seen this kid for more than two years, and even though I didn't recognize him, he recognized me. That makes me think that maybe I'm not so forgettable.
^ superfantastic
We basically hung out at haleys house for the rest of the evening. Ate bungles (:-P) and ice pops which made blue messes everywhere. We styled Carletons hair with water and got eveything wet but the carpet, and Haley tried to figure out songs on her guitar. Then Carleton drove me and Jen home.
^ superfantastic.
I walked in the door, said hi to my grandparents, got little acknowledgement. They were watching some TV program about Harleys... (?) So I asked grandma if dad had caleld with any news on how mom was doing, and she said he had. So we were talking for a little while about that, it couldn't have been more than 30 seconds. And poppy is just like "Can you go talk over there? I'm trying to watch this." I mean, what do you say to that? It's my mom. It's his fucking daughter. I'm sorry I wanted to know how she's doing, and I'm sorry that you can't concentrate fully on your fucking motorcycle program while I find out how shes doing.
^ shit
Now at least day is officially over, and it ended on a shity note. I just put on my emo sweater and got my rainbow blanket and now I'm listening to Death Cab. I think I just need a good cry and then things won't seem so bad.